Cheers, Baby Girl

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"Knock, knock," someone sang through the other side of my bedroom door, knocking loudly.

"Come in," I sang back.

The door then swung open and in came Duff.

"We're leaving soon," he told me.

"Whereee?" I asked.

"It's a surpriseee. You know thattt," he mocked me.

I then saw him carrying a rather large bag and set it down on my bed next to me.

"You're gonna wear this. So put it on, get ready, and be downstairs in fourty-five minutes," he said.

"Jeez... way to be demanding," I teased, looking up at him.

"Way to be demanding," he mocked me again with a grin, cupping my face tightly in his hands.

I laughed and stared into his eyes for a second and he didn't hesistate to peck my lips.

I tried to go in for more than a peck but he pulled away and shook his finger in my face.

"No, no, no. Who do you think I am, Jenna?" he smiled.

"Leave, Duff," I smiled, rolling my eyes.

He left my bedroom and closed the door behind him.

It's been quite a while since we all got morning wasted so we're all pretty sober now. And now nightime is nearing. The day has been be good so far, but kind of leaned back. We haven't been doing much. Maybe tonight will be more eventful.

I opened the large bag Duff left on my bed and saw it was a beautiful, very sparkly, short, silver dress. It definitely looked like something one would wear out in Vegas to an expensive nightclub.

I was now all showered and ready. It took me a while to get to this point, but thank God I was there.

The dress looked awesome and my very intense makeup matched it very well. I chose to put on high top Converse as my shoes. I know many people don't appreciate that, but I don't care. I also curled my hair and put on loads of jewlery.

Go big or go home right?

I took a deep breath and walked downstairs, seeing everybody's eyes set on me.

"Look at youuu," Slash commented first as I made my way down.

"Damn, I guess Duff isn't all that bad at picking out dresses after all," Anna smiled.

"Yeah, for a Las Vegas hooker," I laughed.

"Shut up. You're beautiful," Duff said, walking up to me.

I looked up at him as he came close to my face and he leaned down and gave me a big kiss.

"Whoa. So that's a thing now," Axl commented on us kissing.

"I got bright red lipstick all over your mouth," I told Duff, laughing, as I licked my thumb and tried to violently rub it off.

"You look stunning," Duff told me.

"Yeah, for a Las Vegas hooker," I repeated myself with a smile, trying to slightly irritate Duff.

"Well, if I saw you on the corner, I'd definitely stop for you," Duff chuckled back.

I stopped rubbing his mouth to take the lipstick off of his face and I laughed and rolled my eyes, and jokingly pushed him away from me.

"Our... ride... is here," Anna smirked.

Duff smirked at me as well as he took my hand and lead me outside.

As soon as we got outside I saw a beautiful white limo was waiting for us.

"You guys... you didn't have to do all of this," I said.

"We wanted to," Izzy told me as he headed to the limo.

Duff and I looked at each other and I smiled as he kissed the top of my head.

We were now driving in the limo, drinking some expensive champagne, and listening to music.

"Lovin' the Converse with the dress. Very rocker," Axl winked at me.

"Thanks," I replied, looking down at my Converse again.

I noticed how dressed up we all were and it made me happy. Duff looked beyond charming and I couldn't stop looking at him.

Him in a black suit is a definite plus.

And as for all of the other dirty rockstars, you could still tell they're dirty rockstars, but that they can clean up well.

"We're gettin' close," Duff whispered to me.

"If only I knew where we were going," I said back.

He only smiled at me as a response and I sat back and waited to arrive to the secret destination.

The limo parked and let us out in front of some massive building. I still had no idea what it was and I just silently followed everybody.

They guided me in and I immediatley looked around and noticed we were in a lobby of a hotel.

No one went to the front desk and just headed straight for the elevators, so I did the same.

We got in the massive glass elevator and made our way up. I looked out of the glass and suddenly the elevator went past the building and was now on the outside.

We kept getting higher and higher and I got more and more clueless.

The elevator eventually came to a stop and we all walked out and I noticed we were now at some restaurant/nightclub.

"We have a reservation for six," Duff told the hostess.

"Last name?" she asked.

"Mckagan," Duff told her.

She looked down at her clipboard and nodded, guiding us somewhere.

She then guided us to a huge leather booth right by a massive window, which basically the whole restaurant was a massive window, and we all sat down.

"Jesus Christ," I said under my breath.

Everyone only looked at me, with no response of their own, and I kept roaming the place with my eyes.

I noticed we were slowly spinning around and the whole entire city was seen through the glass which was a stunning sight.

"I can't even imagine how much money this will be," I said.

"Don't worry about the money," Duff inmediatley shot back.

"And to start us off," a waitress said, pouring extremely expensive wine in our glasses.

"Um, sorry to ask, but I'm just wondering how much that bottle of wine is worth?" I asked.

"Just over ten grand," she smiled back at me.

I then could almost feel myself choke even though I wasn't drinking or eating anything yet.

"But rest assured, the wine is complementary," the waitress said, finishing pouring us all some.

I glanced over at Duff and he gave me a smile, raising up his wine glass.

"Cheers, baby girl."

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