Kicked Out

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We were now pulling into my street and were ready to most likely crash for the night.

We drove around for hours and it killed my gas, so luckily Axl was being a kind human being and filled up my tank for me.

We then got into my garage and everybody piled out quickly, except for Duff and I.

"You got some ice cream right there," Duff told me, not pointing to a specific place on my body.

"Where?" I questioned, touching my face.

"I got it," he told me, moving my hair all to one side and putting his warm, soft lips on my neck.

I closed my eyes and felt the niceness of his mouth moving slowly on my neck. He has kissed my neck before, but never anything like this. It felt almost magical.

I had to stop myself from moaning too loud because I didn't want to look as turned on as I was, so I stupdily flinched away as he looked at me with slight sadness and confusion.

"Playing hard to get is fun, I get it. But at least give me some kind of sign that by the end of the day... you're mine," he said.

"Duff, I know I've been giving you mixed signals..."

"Yeah, you think?" he scoffed.

"But I can't like... I don't know. You're a rockstar and you're just here because you lost your band and all of this shit and... I don't know. Just doesn't seem right to me."

"Man, don't you live at all?"

"If you mean living as in going around and fucking for fun, then no, no I don't," I snapped.

"I didn't mean it like that..."

"Just forget it," I shook my head, opening the car door to get out.

"C'mon, Jen--"

"What, Duff? What did you mean?" I asked, obviously getting very irritated.

"I just mean you need to let loose a little more. You're scared of just wanting me," he breathed, trying to lean in to kiss me.

"Back it up, champ," I said, pushing him off of me by his chest.

"God dammit, Jen, can't you just put out?" he asked.

I stared at him blankly and couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Put out?" I sadly sighed, "really, Duff?"

"Jen, I'm sorry... I-I, I didn't mean it," he stammered.

"Aright, Duff, I'm expecting you and all of your little bandmates to not be in my house tomorrow. You all found each other. Congrats. I don't know why the fuck you all still are here. And also, I won't put out which seems to be an issue for you," I barked.

"Jenna, I'm really sorry about what I said- I really didn't mean it," Duff said to me.

"Bye, Duff. It was fun while it lasted," I sighed as I jumped out of the car, slamming the door closed.

I woke up and it was extra silent this morning. I heard absolutely nothing and it was creeping me out.

I fixed my smudged makeup and went downstairs and saw no one was there.

I then went to the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge. I went to it and saw,

Thanks for letting us all crash here. You're a nice person. Don't ever change. Sorry we didn't leave off on better terms, but just know you'll always have a special place in my heart.
I really regret what I said because it really doesn't matter to me if you do or don't 'put out'. I feel like such an idiot. Again, I'm truly sorry.
-Duff Mckagan

I couldn't help but to smile at the part where he said I had a special place in heart.

Did I make a mistake telling him to leave? Did he really regret what he said to me?

I then re-looked over the note and saw a small sentence on the bottom and I brought the paper to my face to be able to read it.

P.S. we're playing a gig tonight 10 minutes from you at the Sunshine Bar. Come down if you wanna see us actually play. Not that you would want to after what I said, but hey, worth a shot.

I then shook my head with a laugh. Maybe I should go?

I should be going to school but today was my last day before fall break anyway.

I then went back to my living room and crashed into a body which caused me to jump.

"Anna?!" I exclaimed, looking down at her.

"Where did everyone go?!" she asked me.

"They left," I quietly responded.

"What?! Why?!" she yelled.

"I don't know," I lied.

"So Slash just left me... just like that," she said, her face drawing a blank.

"They invited us to their gig tonight at Sunshine Bar. I wouldn't say he totally just left you," I said.

"Don't you have to be twenty-one to even step foot into that place?" she asked me.

"Didn't affect us last time," I shrugged.

"Well, we're going then. Pick me up at seven-thirty," she told me as she started heading to the front door.

"And where are you going?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"Home. I haven't been there in days. And I'm also gonna look hot, so look hot too," she said as she quickly escaped my house.

I then went upstairs to shower, brush my teeth, and just keep up with basic hygiene.

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