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Shane POV

The plane ride was pretty boring. I was glued to my laptop, watching movies and little snippets on if my ghost friend could experience life, but everything is hiring witches or selling my soul. The selling the soul thing seems way too fake, I mean.. why would that be real?

Ryan's been passed out since the beginning of the flight, head against the window and shit. I look to the other side at a conveniently empty seat where (Y/n) decided to sit instead of latching onto me like last time. She lays against my shoulder, I felt the touch of her since halfway through the flight. As someone who said ghosts don't sleep, she's been doing a lot of sleeping.

I turn my attention to a forum talking about ghosts and putting them back into their bodies. I don't think that's even possible at this point. She would be bruised and buried or turned to ash, or probably frozen. If she was frozen, it's possible to unfreeze her, right? Another rabbit hole I suppose.

I turn away from (Y/n) so I didn't look crazy to others who may be sitting nearby. Not surprised she moved slightly, I could see a small outline, or maybe her faded self. I could could tell she's not doing this on purpose, but none of my batteries are draining. Maybe sleep is good for ghosts.

She actually looks quite cute, she's human looking, less transparent. God, I want her to experience life so bad, I may just be able to help her. I want to help her.


Since settling into the hotel we'd be in for the next couple of days, myself and Ryan in different rooms and (Y/n) clonked herself back onto the couch. She woke up shortly before we landed, disappearing from where she was in the seat. She didn't show up again until she knew she was safe in this room. I continue my search on the whole, revival, freezing body, and soul selling thing.

"Shane.." I hear a whisper, only ignoring it after falling further and further down these rabbit holes of questionnaires and forums. "Shane please don't ignore me again.." The whisper was louder, sadder, but still faint. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I removed my headphone, looking behind me. (Y/n) looked more human-like than on the plane when she was sleeping. "Stop googling on how to bring me back."

"How'd you kno-"

"It's because I know things Shane! It's not like I haven't heard it a million times over." Her tone of voice was different, she was upset. Upset that I thought I was helping her. Upset that I was looking at things behind her back. "I know things Shane, and some of those things aren't pretty. Especially that selling your soul thing. That's bad. That's going to hurt you. And you have to trust me there."

I sit there, completely frozen, taking everything in. I don't necessarily believe in soul selling, but what she said isn't going to stop me. What she said, may haunt me later on. I put this conversation aside when I hear a knock at my room door. It's probably time to go film at the place we'd be filming at. I take another look at (Y/n)'s panicked self before getting up. She disappears and I answer the door.

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