twenty seven

384 11 5

My eyes opened, Shane's arms wrapped around me. We had fallen asleep on the couch. Fuck, what happened last night? Or yesterday? I don't have any memory of it, but Shane's still here. Or he was always here? I can't really move with his arms around me, so I lay there trying to remember when it hit me and why we're in this position right now. He told me he loved me, that he truly meant it and all that. It was weird hearing it from him, but it was genuine.

And I about lost it, my face heating up at the thought. I went to bury my face into my hands only to be met with his chest. Of course, I'm still in his arms, facing his chest. Luckily, that impact didn't wake him, only pull me closer. He was warm, slender, his hair lightly in his face but not much as it was pretty short still. I wiggled my arm out from being trapped and reached up to brush through his hair. He's so cute. His sleeping face is so cute, but his eyes are still red from last night.

My calmed face turned saddened. I really did worry him a lot yesterday and I shouldn't have bolted when I didn't know anything about the surrounding area. We could've talked things over and I was dumb. I could've stayed and not worried him like he did. Thank god Ryan is his best friend, I don't know what would've happened to Shane. I hear a couple noises come out of him and his eyes snap open, looking at me. We stare at each other only for Shane to hug me closer and nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck.

"I'm gonna suffocate Shane!" I whisper-screamed, tugging on his hair  slightly. I didn't tug hard enough to hurt him, and I felt like that would trigger something else... I blushed again even thinking about something like that. Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh.

"Please don't do that again. I don't want to lose you." His breath is hot against my body. My body heats up in the worst way. I'm thinking about doing it with him, but we basically just confessed our love to each other yesterday. What the fuck is wrong with my brain this morning???

"I promise I won't do it again. Just let me breath!" I mentally cursed myself when he released me from his grasp. I sat up and looked down at him. He had his eyes closed and was breathing in as if- NOPE. I stood up and went to go use the restroom, and wake up.


"So you're still not going to try going into work?" I asked, handing Shane a cup of coffee. I had begun washing the dishes that were dirty, including the drinks from last night.

"Nah. Half the day is gone. I'll go in tomorrow. Maybe I can talk them into letting me bring you in every day from now on, not that I don't trust you here, but I'm sure you still don't know the area, since you did get lost last night." I hear him sipping away at his drink.

"Shut up- We don't need to bring that up all the time now." I felt upset that he doesn't trust me.

"If you were to stay here, we would need to get you a phone. Ya know, so you can google places nearby, walk to said places, etcetera." He mumbled something else, even though I knew exactly what he mumbled.

"Or just so we'd keep in contact, right?" I finished the washing and dried my hands, sitting across from Shane.

"Yes." He nods to himself mostly, getting up and grabbing his keys.

"Right now???" I asked, to he replied with something like "better now than never" and dragged me out the door while I was still working on getting shoes on. He was seriously going to drive to the phone store, or whatever the place was, and buy me a phone when he has already bought and done so much for me.

It really screams that I need to get a job and start buying things for myself. Even after being a ghost into a human, I should know when I have to do human things. I was once human anyways, how much harder can it be.

"I have a question, if you don't mind."

We were already buckled and on our way, Shane beginning this small talk thing so that the ride would be less boring or quiet. I nodded for him to continue.

"Can you still talk to ghosts? You know, since you were one and became human again. But do you still have that ability, or-?"

He's so interested, it's cute.

"Well. It depends. I can hear what they say to me, I can't really see them most of the time, and I would have to be focused if I really want to have a conversation with them." I shrugged. "In normal areas like a store or your place, I can feel a presence or energy, but I can't point it out like I used to. In haunted places, like the places you go with Ryan and your crew, I can see them because they're getting talked about more so they're more.. visible? Open? Out? I don't know the best way of describing it." I paused. "The more a place is talked about as 'haunted', the more distinct it is and stronger the spirits and ghosts are."

"Interesting." He pulled into a parking spot. "We're here." He smiled that bright, warm smile of his. We got out of the car and started looking at a phone, rather.. Shane was looking at phones and seeing which one would best be good enough for me as my only input was "I don't know much about phones," and his response was "Okay." So, I took that as, "I will ask you questions and we'll go from there." He's in the "we'll go from there" stage where he's looking at phones and asking the employees about what would best suit me.

"Is she your daughter?" They'd ask and when she would say "No, we're not related, we're dating", I would get all fuzzy inside. Maybe it's because I didn't think after we confessed our love for each other last night, it would be our way of saying we're dating. Not at all what happens in movies or shows. We're just a little different or unique. The worker wouldn't push, instead would coo and awe us.

Overall, it took us over an hour to get out, most of the time was just looking for a phone. The rest of the time was me picking out a case for it. We ended up getting the latest iPhone. It was most convenient, but didn't seem to bother Shane at all when purchasing it. The worker kept selling him all kinds of android phones and while they're not bad phones, he has an iPhone and wanted me to have something he was familiar with so he could answer questions if I had any.

"If you want me to pay you back, I will when I can." I mumbled.

"What? No." He answered, getting back into the car. "Why would you think I want to get paid back?"

"It was expensive."

"Just pay me back by living with me and putting it to use."

"If you say so."

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