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I look around his homey place. It's cozy and nice and makes me miss what home feels like.

Shane is asleep so I won't bother him, especially on his day back. Actually, I don't plan on messing with him unless that Ryan guy visits or other people visit. After that, then I'll start messing with him when he's alone.

Home.. What does that even mean anymore? 

I looked around a bit more, at his pictures. Some frames were placed faced down, but I decided to not bother and not look at them, out of respect.


Weeks passed, between hanging around Shane and his friends and co-workers to hanging around him at home and learning more about him, his patterns of sleep, and other stuff that deemed important.

I sigh and watch Shane for the hundredth time, drink his coffee at his computer at home. "I need to do something." I whispered and saw the numerous papers on his desk. I pushed them off the table, the noise startling Shane.

"Wha-?" He looked at where the noise came from and the numerous papers that are now on the ground, but being the skeptic he is, he brushed it off, picked the papers up, and blamed the AC unit.

I noticed a shuffle from Shane and he gets up, walking towards his bathroom. I hurry over and see if it still had coffee in it and so I took it and poured all his coffee out, even the stuff in the pot and returned his cup to the table, not in the same place as before though since I couldn't remember.

He came back, sighed, and reached for his cup that wasn't in it's spot. I looked up and saw the cup in a different area, picked it up, and nothing went into his mouth. I snickered. "What? Did I subconsciously drink all my coffee?" He shook his head. "No, I didn't drink it all. I'll just get more since I made a whole ass pot."

He got up, coffee cup in hand, and walked into his kitchen. "Damn, I guess I should stop drinking coffee for tonight." He looks at the time. "Yeah, I'm gonna head off to bed. I do have to be in the office early."

"Oh yeah, they're leaving for another investigation.." I mumble to myself.

"What? Is anyone here?" He walks over to his door and looks outside but nothing.

"I need to be more careful." I whisper.

"Huh, probably just some kids messing around." Locking his door, he turns around and heads for his bedroom to get some sleep.

Maybe I'll mess with the living room..

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