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It's been about a week since he re-alived me and I've been couped up in this damn house for the most part. I'm too scared to walk around alone and get lost while Shane is at work and he hasn't gotten confirmation that he can bring a guest into work.

Other than that, I've been adjusting again. I'm trying to find the happiness that I couldn't, and Shane is definitely a big part of that. I sit alone most of the time, scrolling through channels on the TV, forgetting about what happens in the episode thinking about Shane.

"I'm back!" Shane comes through the door, smiling for the millionth time this week. He's smiled every day after work, after entering his home. "I have good news."

"And that news?" I sit on the couch, turning off the TV after countless scrolling. I look up at him, taking off his jacket, and going to the kitchen for a glass, of hopefully water.

Luckily, it is water. "I can bring you into the office tomorrow." He pauses his drink sipping. "If you want to of course."

"Of course I do! I'm so tired of being couped up while you go out." I stand up and he gets me a glass of water for myself.

"You know you can leave the house while I'm gone, right?" He takes another sip, leaning on the bar between the kitchen and the living room, himself on the kitchen side.

"Yeah but.. it's weird going somewhere without you. I've been attached to you, I went everywhere with you. I'm still not used to the separation. That's probably really bad, like attachment issues sort of thing." I chuckle it off, hiding my embarrassment by taking a sip of water.

"I wasn't thinking of that, to be honest. I can see why it would be hard." He places his hand on his chin and does the thinking face of his.

We both go silence, enjoying the company of each other. Neither of us speak, but it's not awkward. The silence it quite comfortable, more comfortable than silences in the past. "What are you in the mood to eat?"

"Dinner? Uhm. Hmm." He begins to list off some places, but explains that everything can be delivered if we don't want to travel. I let him know it would be nicer if we did travel, so I can get a good look of the area.

And so we did. We went around town and he listed off the options of places to eat. I've eaten quite the variety this past week, but today seems different. With the news that I could come into the office tomorrow and many other things, eating out today feels different.


Shane held the door open to the studio, almost forgetting I couldn't walk through it. He gave me a small tour and then headed to his desk, where Ryan sat working on the other side. Ryan noticed Shane before noticing me, as it seems like I've been getting this treatment a lot lately, but I expected that.

"Hello there." Ryan spoke and brought me out of my thoughts. "And you are?"

"(Y/n)." I smile and take his hand in a handshake, which I noticed a split second after he asked for his name. I couldn't come up with a reason as to why Shane and I were together, not like together, but like roommates and such. Ryan didn't seem to question it.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n). How do you know Shane?" He did question it. I jinxed myself.

"I met him a few months ago actually." I lost my words, the plan I had for us meeting. I did have a planned answer, since I was alone for most of the past week.

"She was working and gave me the company discount, well-"

"Not completely accurate. There was no one that came to the shift an I was the only one working and helping everyone in line and though the drive though. It was hard, okay. I had messed up his order so much, that I just ended up giving him a meal on the house the next time he came in." I lightly shove him, looking at him. I see a small sparkle in his eyes as he watches Ryan's expression, hoping that he falls for it.

"Ah! That's cool. He did get the discount?" Ryan chuckles. I let go of a breath that I didn't realize I was holding and with Shane beside me, I can almost hear him doing the same.

"Of course he did. I ended up quitting later that week since the place sucked ass and barely anyone showed up to their shifts. The boss was ass." I mumble the last bit.

"Hey Shane, we're going to go to another location in about a week. We have to film a bunch of segments in the studio set." Ryan informs Shane and he nods, grabbing a chair from nearby to place near his desk.

"Gotcha." Shane says, looking at me then Ryan who's grabbing some files and sitting down. I guess he's looking over the notes for the next few studio recordings. He looked back at me after we both sit down. "Do you wanna watch us film that?" He mumbled towards me.

"I mean, I saw it a million times before." I whispered, glancing at Ryan minding his own business.

"But you're alive now, you can experience it and take everything in." He whispers, quieter so that Ryan couldn't hear him.

"Yeah, okay. I'll watch." I smile at him. He smiles back and I slightly shove him, looking away. "Alright bigfoot."

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