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"How are you doing?" Shane whispers, trying to not make everyone around the office see that he was talking to me.

"Fine. Why?" I ask, looking at him before he goes into a room. No one is in it right now, but it looks like a recording room, like the set that him and Ryan record in.

"You seemed off yesterday, last night, and I wanted to ask." He looks around the room, making sure no one was around and shut the door, leaning against it and looking around for myself to show up.

I do so, just to make this easier for him. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm just a ghost, so.." I turn away, looking down at the ground.

He walks up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You know you can tell me. I've got your back, remember?" He says, smiling. I only nod, to disappear for a second, only to reappear in the same spot. "Anyways.. the investigation trip is tonight. Well the flight is at 11:00 pm. That's in, give or take 12 hours?"

I nod, remembering something talked about that during the pizza night him and Ryan had last night. "Like I said, I won't interfere with that. In fact, I think I can lay low outside for that."

"You being with me isn't something I mind. It's just if you touch our devices or speak into them when we're trying to get something that lives there, is the problem." He sighs, drinking his coffee.

Someone knocks on the door and Shane jumps, myself disappearing. He shuffles over to the desk where him and Ryan film, and looks at the documents for the place they're investigating. The door opens and I watch from the corner. Ryan's head peaks in, sees Shane, and walks in.

"Dude! I've been looking for you everywhere. Anyways, are you ready for our flight tonight? I'm heading home early to do some last minute packing. Boss said you can as well." Ryan points behind him with his thumb when talking about leaving early.

"Oh? That's cool. I guess I still have to pack." He looked in my direction, putting down the files and turning towards Ryan, following him out the door. I quietly follow, doing my best to do as much quiet walking and moving as possible.

I keep trying to listen to their conversation, but every few words exchanged, I would get lost so I ended up giving up at listening. It was all probably talk about tonight's trip and how excited they were to visit wherever they were visiting.


"How did you ride on the plane last time?" He packed away his clothes into a bag, suitcase, thing, glancing over at me every so often. "Because you were definitely on a plane when we were leaving the Goatman bridge investigation."

"I just.. I don't know. Attached to you, but became part of you. It's hard to explain because I wasn't like in your lap of anything." I shook my head, looking at his battery life drain on his phone and then get charged back up since it was plugged in.

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