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"I'm sorry." I spoke low, but not in a whisper so he could hear me.

"For what?" He asks, unsure of where I am. "You didn't really do anything, and you apologized for everything already."

"I guess because now I'm invading your life. I'll be with you everywhere. And on your investigations." I look down at his hands and he clasps them together.

"As long as you don't speak or bother me during investigations, you're fine. And I would rather Ryan not know I believe you exist, and well, ghosts in general." He pauses. "I'm still skeptical about all this, you could just be something in my head like part of a new psychological disorder or something."

"I promise I'm a ghost." I walk over to the counter. "But of course you don't have to believe me. There's no way I can force you to believe I exist or the ghosts and demons that exist." I pause and feel a new presence. "Can we continue the conversation in a second?"

"What's up, what do you mean?" He questions where I'm at and I walk over to where I feel the energy.

"Do you believe in mediums?" I ask, stopping at the door entrance to him bedroom. There's a dark negative figure standing at the foot of his bed, beaming down at his pillow as if Shane was laying there. It's head turns towards me and creepily smiles a bit before looking down at the bed, and it disappears.

"Not really. Like I said, I'm a pretty strong skeptic." He says. I appear in his door frame and Shane looks at me curious. "You look like a deer who's stuck in a car's headlights." He comments.

"You have other energies here.. and most of them are okay and some of them have come and go, as most houses, but you have a demon living with you and I don't feel comfortable without him gone." I spoke, looking slowly at him, scared the dark figure were to appear.

"Goatman was demon."

"He took care of me. And he was chill. I've lived in that bridge for a few years and he attatched me to you, so."

"Fine. I'll call a friend who will know what to do." He pulls out his phone and hits a number and calls. "Hey.." his voice gets quieter and he walks into another room, forgetting I could disappear and hear his side of the conversation.

"Yeah.. well I got back from an investigation a few weeks ago and Ryan visited a week after that and said he heard something or saw something and told me to call someone to do something about it." He pauses. "I'm still a skeptic, but Ryan won't visit if I don't do something-" Another pause. "Yeah I'm free right now."

He hangs up and sighs. "I know you're in here. My friend will be here in maybe, 10 minutes, give or take." I appear at the counter, sitting on a chair. He sighs again and nods slightly. "Somehow I feel like I'm going to get used to you disappearing and reappearing."

"I'm going to tell you, I won't mess with investigations and I'll be staying out of your personal rooms. Though, I don't need sleep, so I'll just wander around until morning. Or at least until you're awake." I smile slightly.

"Whatever (Y/n)." He shakes his head.


"Ryan said it was in the kitchen and bedroom." Shane explained to his friend "Mark". Mark was apparently a medium which specialized in vanishing demons and sending spirits and ghosts into the out. Basically, vanish them into heaven or hell, whichever their fate is. Nick walked around me.

"There's a strong energy here, but nothing harmful." Mark says, pointing my direction. "It's been with you for a few weeks, since you last investigation I'm guessing? It's been dead for a while, but doesn't want to go to the other side yet." He talks about me like he knows me, which I don't like, but moves onto the next room. "It had the energy of a young woman."

"I only want whatever bad energies you feel gone so Ryan can come over." Shane walks him to the bedroom.

I could barely see the goosebumps on Mark's arm. "It's chilly in here. You don't have the AC on?"

"Nope. Haven't turned it on." He answered.

"It's oddly chilly, not like the rest of the house." He pauses. "Okay, give me like 15 minutes and I'll figure it out."

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