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It's been a few months since getting with Shane and an additional few months of finding a means to live. It's weird, as before I didn't want anything to do with being alive but after meeting Shane, something inside of me sparked and changed. We go on dates every now and again, even if those dates were just cuddling and watching a movie at home. I got better at my job too, and started paying for my own phone bill. I still only work part time so that I can spend my utmost amount of time with Shane.

Him and a couple of his friends started a new business and would be leaving that buzzfeed place after a few more seasons, plus with what they've been preparing for this new company, I'm sure they'll be happy with it. I remember going to a launch party but that's about it. Cheers to them, I'm proud.

As for me, I started thinking about my family recently. I haven't spoken to them in ages and my death was nearly a fake story to cover up for my runaway, at least that's what I saw on social media. The police called it a closed case, even though no one has reported me found. I'm still unsure if I should call my local police and turn myself in, meet with my family, stuff like that. It's not like they were bad people, I just felt pressured to always do what they told. I felt overwhelmed and died, but in the new twisted story, I ran away.

I wonder if I should cook dinner since I have today off and Shane is at his-

"Hey I'm home early." I hear Shane close the door. So lost in my thoughts, I didn't even hear it open. That's so odd. I look to him and smile, welcoming him back. He smiles back and comes up to me for a kiss, allowing him to do so, but only for a short amount of time.

"Nope! No more." I kept dodging when he would come in for another kiss.

"C'mon! I came home early, please." He sounded like he was desperate.

"Why are you home early?" I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a hug.

"We finished filming for the day and I missed you. You should come into the office soon." He hugs back, his body engulfing mine. I pull away soon, otherwise I could suffocate in that hold.

"If I'm off work, I'll come, but I don't have my schedule yet." I push him away from me, in more of a playful way than anything. He slumps and sits at the bar between the kitchen and living room. I told him I hated it but he refused to get rid of it since it came with the house, blah blah blah.

A comfortable silence falls between the two of us as I make us both (coffee/hot coco/tea), warming up (water/milk) on the stove. I grab out our two cups and wait for the liquid to heat. "You know.. we should.. go on a vacation together. Just the two of us." Shane breaks our silence. I finish with our drinks and prepare them accordingly, quickly handing him his cup and standing by the counter waiting for my own to cool down.

"Did you have somewhere in mind?"

"What about... New York, or something?" He asked, he wasn't confident in his answer.

"What's the truth?"

"How could you tell?" He half smiled, sipping his drink as he watched me pick up my own and sip mine.

"You think I couldn't tell?"

"I want you to see your family. I want to show them that I have you. And I want to be there for when you do see your family, that-away I can tell them how strong and independent you've been." He said, continuing to ramble on.

"I think I'd rather just go to New York and spend a few days in the city." I shrugged, kissing his cheek and heading my way to the couch. I turned the TV on and scrolled through channels before landing on just picking something from Netflix. I glanced up at him who was still stunned and unmovable. "Aren't you going to come cuddle? Or should I just tell work that I'm coming in after all?"

He immediately stood and shuffled over. "Don't tell them that!!" He whined. Hard to believe this man is 33, he acts like a complete child sometimes. Too bad I love him too much.

I wrapped my arms around him as soon as he sat down next to me and pulled him closer, placing my head against his chest as he picked a movie, one that wasn't significant enough in any case that I fall asleep.

It seemed likely every time I would be cuddled against this man. The man I fell in love with, even as a ghost.


"Long time no see Ryan and Steven!" I smiled, waving as Shane and I entered the building they called a studio. It was nice and spacious. They had recently moved and remodeled which looked fantastic. It's been a couple of years and a pandemic, but a great few years. Watcher Entertainment has grown so much, plus the announcement of Shane and I dating for a long few years on social media as well. Both are pretty noteworthy accomplishments.

And I now work under Watcher Entertainment as well, though I'm a behind the scenes employee, I took a class under marketing. It was fairly easy after I got a hang of everything. "Yo (Y/n)!" Ryan greeted me first, coming up to hug me, I hug back. Steven came up to hug me shortly after.

"You take a tour of the new place yet?" Steven asked and I shook my head. He smiled and dragged me around to show me the new building. I greeted all my co-workers as we peered into each little office room. It was cute and simple. We headed back to their workspace and Shane was chatting about the new ghost show with Ryan, coming up with locations and whatever they do. I waved to the two and Ryan turned his attention to talking with me.

Every now and again I would steal a glance at Shane who looked content, happy.

Oh, and we did see my family last year who were very happy to see me alive. I caught up with them a bit, my dad still works under the same company and my mom changing jobs to work as a waitress in a cafe. Apparently, I have a little sister too. She's about 3 right now, turning 4 this year actually. I'm glad that they're doing alright and I told them I would keep in touch.

So, I'm content. I'm happy, to work here, to meet Shane.. I'm glad I met Shane.

Thanks Goatman.

"Can I be excused for a second? Just need a breather." I interrupt the small talk between the 4 of us.

"No problem." Ryan buds in, looking at me, then Shane. I turn to leave and hear Ryan mention to Shane that he should follow me or something.

"Oh right. Yes. Sorry, just distracted."

I open the door and step out, glancing back to see Shane catching up out here. "I know we just got here an hour ago, but I needed some air."

"It's not a problem." He grabbed onto my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Did you wanna walk up and down the street for a sec?"

I nodded and we did so. "I just wanted to say that I love you. So, so.. so much." I turned to him and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"I love you too." He mumbled into the hug, holding tighter. This hug felt like home. He felt like home.

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