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With Shane sound asleep and 1:00 am rolling around, I begin my fuckery. I tug on the sheets down to his waist. I open draws, closets, knock stuff off, anything to make Shane question. I see a mirror and look into it, watching the ghosts and spirits walk around and walk by unknowingly.

I sigh and touch the mirror to make it show my reflection. I notice the camera in the mirror. I stared at it for a good 5 minutes, moving every 30 seconds to a minute, then move out of the way. I play with stuff off the camera, the bathroom specifically.

It was 3:00 am. I sighed and did some more stuff until 3:30 am and walked over to Ryan's room, deciding to fuck with him a bit, slamming his closet door. I heard him shuffle awake and he screams, "What the fuck was that?"

I snicker and spot his camera, walking up to it and talking to it. "(Y/n), 18, came from Goatman's bridge." I pause trying to think of what out of all of this the camera will pick up. "Shane is haunted."

Before leaving Ryan, I open the closet door and slam it shut, again. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I disappeared back to Shane. It was 4:01 am and I could finally get some rest. 


"A couple doors shut in my room. Anything happen to you?" They were at the airport, waiting for their flight.

"I think the breeze in the window knocked my sheets off. Everything was kept normal though." Shane didn't seem phased so I just watched until it's time to leave.

I saw all the ghosts connected by people here. There's one I notice, a little boy. He keeps looking excited and running in front of the woman, but the woman walks through him unphased. I frown and walk over to the boy, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey.." He wipes his tears away and looks at me. I sadly smile at him. "Your mom loves you very much. Just stick around for a bit longer, but don't get upset with her. She's having a hard time being able to understand what's happening that she's just doing a lot of work for her job right now. But she still loves you very much." I reassure him and calmly, not suddenly, give him a gentle hug. He's now smiling back at me, hugging me softly and follows the woman he was trying to get the attention of.

Small kids don't understand they're dead. They don't understand they're a ghost.

I walk back over to Shane and Ryan and sit next to Shane, blowing on his face. He moves his hand in a way you would swat a bug. I giggle to myself and notice Ryan doing some sort of video or picture, so when he takes the picture or video, I make myself known for a small bit then disappear. What can I say? I like to fuck with Ryan and get him all spooked, since he is the believer in this situation.

The announcer announces the plane and they get up to go, with me following behind. I quickly touch Shane's shirt and snap making myself attach to him, but feel light, like a feather. I don't want to bother him much on the plane, or anyone, so I do my job. I've only seen this from those that visit the bridge, if you snap your fingers and latch onto a piece of their clothing, it doesn't bother them.

I end up, for some reason, falling asleep the entire flight and entire way to Shane's home.

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