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(Y/n) POV

I glanced at Shane's laptop once more before he shut it, throwing it on his bed and grabbing the ghost equipment that Ryan told him to hold onto. "We have to go to the place now, to film so please don't interfere. I know you said you wouldn't, but I thought I would say anyways."


The air was tense and conversation was short.  I wanted to apologize, but Shane was in a rush and so, I stayed quiet, and stayed hidden. I stayed behind most of the walks, and curled into a corner when riding in the car. Ryan and Shane would chat between each other and the crew with them, as if to calm Ryan's nerves. Shane's going back into his skeptical, character in front of the camera mode, so I stayed behind as much as I could.

When we arrived, the car became empty pretty quick and I learned quickly that judging by the place, I could just stay in the car, but I don't. I phase through the door, which takes a lot out of me, and follow behind the crew and the boys.


"So we're sleeping over here, huh." Ryan said, one of the producers with them nodded while finishing up the set up with the mics and camera rigs. I watched them turn to Shane and he glanced my direction, past me only for me to realize the camera dude was behind me.

"All good?" He asked, the camera guy nods and thumbs him up.

"We're good to start."

"Alright, then let's go."

It was boring for me. The investigation. I stayed behind in certain rooms so my energy wouldn't show up in their devices and stuff, chatted with who was around in said rooms, and all around, didn't talk to Shane or show up around him.

This place does have ghosts and the character he plays for the show they do is weird compared to when the two of us are alone. I mumbled something out loud and I guess it was loud enough for Ryan to hear it because he spoke up.

"Did you say that?" Ryan turned to Shane and I did a complete stop.

"No, say what?" Shane replied.

"I just heard our names very clear. I don't know if the camera picked it up, but they were super clear."

Shane's face contorts for a second, then goes to shrug it off, only to look away from the camera to scold me, wherever I was. I shake my head and close my mouth, cursing to myself and making sure to chat to myself in my head from now on.

"We have to sleep here." Ryan shakes his head.

"We sure do!" Shane smiles, chuckling a bit.

I don't even know if I get to chat with Shane tonight or if I have to wait until later. I want to apologize, for earlier. I know he's trying to help and while it is wrong and dangerous, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did.

"Welp. I guess it's time to sleep, huh." Ryan shakes his head, heading for the front door. They all head out to take most of their gear off and grab their sleeping bags and such. The producers leave them and wish them luck and that they'd come back in the morning.

"Alright, we're alone. Let's get set up in a room each." Shane says, brushing this off and turning to his nervous friend.

"I hate this. I always hate staying the night."

"There's not a lot of night left, just like.. 5 hours." Shane shrugs and leaves Ryan so I follow Shane where he goes upstairs to stay the night.

He lays out his sleeping bag and pillow, and gets comfortable, a camera pointed at him. I decide to use the camera battery, which may drain the camera, but I need to chat with him anyways. I become visible, sitting criss-cross and leaning my elbow on my knee with my palm against my cheek.

"What?" Shane speaks up, I guess he heard my shuffles.

"I want to apologize. For earlier. I didn't mean to get upset and tell the way I did." I say, looking down at the floor.

"It's okay. I know you're well educated in the stuff that you live around." Shane turns my direction and sits up, looking at me. "But if I decide something, I don't want protests. That's my decision."

I shake my head, only for him to place a hand on my shoulder. I look at him, feeling warmth surge through me. It feels weird, considering I'm always cold, but this feels right.

"I can't tell you what to do. I can only warn you about it's dangers." I mumble with a smile.

"I have to sleep now, I am still on an investigation and there is a camera pointed on me- unless you killed that." He chuckles, shaking his head and removing his hand. He goes to lay down. "Are you going to stay around in this room or go explore a but and talk to the others here?"

"Probably talk to the others.. by the way." I pause before standing. "When you play your 'I don't believe in ghosts' character, how much of that is real?"

"None of it, and some of it. Like- I don't know how to explain it. I believe in it, for you and because of you. But only between us. Everyone else don't have to know that." Shane turns to me in his laying state.

"Okay. I was just curious.. I'll chat with you at the hotel room." I disappear from his sight so that the camera doesn't completely die and he can have proof he was sleeping. Actually, I think I can delete footage.. I'll delete the last 20 minutes because it was just us talking.

I finish with the camera and go explore around, chatting with the others and fucking with Ryan, making footsteps and moving things so he freaks out a bit because that's still so funny.

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