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"Ryan seems cool." I mumble.

"Yeah, but he's a dork, though I think he would say the same about me." He says, sighing.

We were in the break room alone, just to get away from the work area and so I can catch a break. We do this every few hours and Shane's excuse is to fill up for coffee, which he does only sometimes, but sometimes he grabs a snack.

"Sorry working is boring. I-" He shuts up when he sees someone walk in and he takes a sip of his coffee. He waves to the person and they wave back, leaving after grabbing a snack. "Sorry."

"No it's okay, I understand." I say and disappear, walking behind Shane who's walking back to his desk. This time, I don't go under like a child. I stay out in the open and sit on his desk, watching him scroll through his phone and be on his computer.

"You doing anything tonight?" Ryan speaks up and looks over at Shane.

"No, nothing really." He says, looking up in my direction for a second then looks at Ryan.

"Wanna go out and get pizza?" Ryan asks, stretching.

"Sure, why not?"

Ryan and Shane simultaneously receive a text.

"Pack tomorrow, you guys are going on an investigation the next day." Shane reads quietly, loud enough for me to hear. "We still doing pizza?"

"If you're still down, then me too." Ryan shrugs.


"Why are you being so weird lately? Nick said he went over and cleaned your house." Ryan spoke up, waiting for the pizza that the boys ordered. I was hanging out in an empty chair that was placed between the boy's booth and an empty one. it was an extra for the people that last used the booth behind Shane.

"I've just been exhausted lately, that's all." Shane replies. I watch him and then notice a lady walk by and stop abruptly. She looks my direction which causes me to freeze. She continues work.

I get up from the chair and climb into the empty booth, over the part that separated between the two and sat on the other side of Shane, near the wall. I lean my back against Shane accidentally, and put my feet flat on the booth, toes facing the wall. "Sorry." I mumble for Shane to hear.

I could feel him heat up slightly, his breathing spikes, but goes back to normal after a second. I'm guessing to raise less suspicion to Ryan. Ryan started talking about work and Shane was contributing.

"Here's your pizza and a refill on your drinks." The same lady who stopped earlier was here. I grabbed the bottom hem of Shane's shirt, but lightly so he doesn't feel alarmed. Though, it didn't work. He jumped and Ryan questioned him.

"Oh it was just a bug."

Ryan looked suspiciously, but thanked the waitress for the food delivery.

"Anything else for you?" She politely says, looking at Ryan, then Shane and gazes next to him towards me for a split second, then smiles with her eyes closed.

"No thanks." Shane smiles back, taking note of the split second she wasn't looking at him.

"Well, holler if you boys need anything." She looks over at Shane again before leaving. I got shivers and I'm pretty sure Shane could feel because he glanced at me before eating his pizza.

That lady seems like a witch or something. I don't want her to banish me. I'm not ready to leave. I don't want to go yet.

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