twenty five

366 7 0

Shane's POV

"Shane, you need to calm down." Ryan came over, to help me look and to help calm my nerves. I was pacing. I never pace. "What even happened?"

I looked at him, then away feeling the blood rush to my cheeks an ears. His eyes widened, seemingly to understand. He nodded, his face scrunching slightly. I took a breath. "She said that she.."

"Okay." His voice was calm, not letting me continue my sentence though. It's as if he knew where it was going. I took another breath in hopes that it would calm me, but it came out shakier than intended. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I upset her, how I didn't stop her and convince her to stay, how lost she must be.

"I'm afraid to tell you the truth Ryan. About her, that is." I mumbled, abruptly grabbing my jacket and rushing out the door. I heard Ryan behind me, grabbing my keys or maybe it was his keys. I couldn't think straight, hopping into the passenger seat, watching Ryan come into the driver seat and start the car.

"What truth?" He questioned as we drove down the road. We turned a few times, but nothing. She's been out there for hours, she could've been long gone down the roads, into the city even. I took a breath, hand covering my mouth and elbow stuffed against the the car window. I take another breath, hopefully calming me down some and not spiralling into another million thoughts.

"Nothing. Nevermind." I quickly brushed it off, hoping he would allow the conversation to drop. He looked at me, unbelieving that I was telling the truth, but dropped it nonetheless. I moved my hand in a fist and moved it against my forehead. "She doesn't know this place like we do."

"I would think so." Ryan scoffed, shaking hsi head. "Anyways, this girl. Do you feel the same way about her?"

"You're one to talk."

"Shane." He looks at me, then back to the road, taking another turn.

"I love her." I paused, looking at him. "Of course I do. I'm just... scared." I looked away to think about it. Us. She basically lives with me, has been since she was "assigned" to me. The amount of secrets we shared could never compare to how much I love her. The back and forth conversations, the laughs we shared. I watch out the window, the moving trees, the sky getting darker and air getting colder as we drove.

"Do you wanna try driving the other way?" Ryan stopped on the side of the rode and all I could give was a nod and a half. He turned around and began driving in the other direction, whichever direction that was. My mind was certainly clouded.


We've been looking for over an hour at this point and I was afraid she was picked up by a stranger or something of the sorts. I kept drifting off to sleep and having Ryan slow down whenever I would see someone similar. I was losing it.

"Wait. Slow down."

"Shane, we can't keep doing this." Ryan rolled his eyes, still going fast.

"I'm serious this time, stop." I tried to unbuckle quick.

"That's what you said the last 5 times." He kept going.

"I'll jump out of this car if you don't stop!" I unlocked the door. Ryan slowed the car down and pulled off to the side. I jumped out, running after someone that was holding their sides and looking around. "(Y/n)?" I called out. The person ignored me, or didn't hear me. "(Y/n)!" They perked up, looking to where the noise came from. They stopped, and so did I. "(Y/n)!!" They turned and it was, in fact, her.

I held my breath and took a step forward. So did she, but a slightly larger step. She picked up the pace a bit and everything felt like slow motion. Then, she crashed into me, her arms flew around my torso. She was crying, and cold. I was shocked at the impact at first, slowly wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm here." I whispered, rubbing her back. "I'm here."

"I'm so cold." She cried between her sobs, clutching on tighter.

"Let's get you home."

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