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There was a lot of family visiting for the first night, so Shane ended up resting. The more I watched those alive sleep, the more I felt tired, and the more I wanted to sleep. At this point, there's got to be a reason why I'm sleeping, as a ghost. Ghosts like me don't need rest so what's the deal?

I yawn, exploring the house that's now at rest. It seems they do not have roaming ghosts, or demons, the more I walk around the place. I see a few photo frames on the wall, choosing to stay away from them and going to the couch in Shane's resting room, to rest myself.

I hear a shuffle or two. "I'm going to the store tomorrow, and will proceed that night. There's a place I can go that's about a 15 minute drive from here to do the ritual."

"What are you trying to gain from this? What's your goal?" I mumble, facing the cushions of the couch I was laying on. The shuffling before he spoke was him sitting up.

He doesn't answer, in fact he refuses to answer. "I'm not sure where you're going to be when they bring you to life."

"Shane." My voice is almost too quiet. "I'm scared I won't be near you. I don't know how to function as a person anymore."

He stays quiet, taking in my voice, my trembling and shakiness. He shuffles, laying back down and we both end up falling asleep.


The witch shop is busy, the sales for crystals are through the roof. As you would guess, Shane is lost. He's been in his fair share of witch stores, never paying much attention since he was usually with Ryan in all scenarios. Eventually, Shane comes across what he wants, getting weird looks from those around him.

"I told you, you'd get weird looks." I mumble, standing close to Shane.

He shakes his head and grabs the things he needs, going to the check out.

"That'll be $16.66. I did not intend the 666." The lady at the counter nervously looks around, before Shane swipes his card. "You know this is a dangerous group of items."

"I'm aware." Shane says, looking up from his card swipe and smiles sweetly. "Have a good day ma'am."

"You as well sir." She says, handing him a bag with the items in it. We walk out and he gets into his car, driving to the nearest store.

"I'm getting a tiny box. I forgot about the tiny box." He says, turning into a parking space of a Walmart parking lot. He gets out and I follow. "What's up with you?"

"Huh?" I reply, catching up next to Shane.

"You've been sleeping a lot lately." He shoved his keys into his pocket.

"No idea." I say, only to yawn right afterwards. "It could be signalling that I'm either closer to life, or I could be moving to the otherside. Or that I'm not used to travelling this much since I've been in one spot most of my life and death experience."

We go in, grab a small cardboard box, a couple of snacks, pay, then get out and head back to his parent's place. "Tonight at around 2:30 am, I'll drive out to the location."

"What is the location anyways? Is it like, a crossroads, or a place where the devil is known to be?" I sit back, watching the road out the window, the passing buildings and homes, a person walks their dog, someone out checking their mail.

"The second option." He taps on the steering wheel with his thumbs, listening to his own music in his head while the atmosphere is a weird awkward and comfortable silence.

"Shane?" I look away from the window and look down.

"Hmm?" He parts his lips ever so slightly and it makes me forget what I was going to ask. I disappeared and covered my mouth to hide my blushing face, even though he couldn't see me. Lord, this is bad.

"Nevermind." I muster up and he continues to drive down the road to his parent's house, pulling up into the driveway. Turning the car off, he gets out and grabs his snacks bag, and his bags for his venture tonight.

"I'm back!" He walks through the door, his mother in the kitchen making dinner. I didn't realize how late it had become, but to be fair, we left at around 2:00 pm and have been out for a little bit. "You didn't have me favorite snacks, so I bought some." He gives his mom some love, his dad watching sports on the TV.

He walks to his room, placing the bags for tonight, on his bed. It's going to feel like a long night between the dinner, the barely getting any sleep, and if the deal that Shane will be making is going to actually work.

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