twenty two

563 10 3

The day was wasted away with showing me around his little area, then driving me out to the hot tourist spots, just to see the craze that everyone would talk about. Plus this was my first time actually seeing these places outside of the TV screen.

The sun was just about setting after a long day of walking around and exploring. Shane has seen it a million times, but he talks about it as if it's his first time. I would smile at everything he would describe with such passion. The little dimples on the edges of his lips and wrinkles in the creases of his eyes When he smiles and laughs.

Each time he looked at me, a rush of butterflies and warmth filling my chest and tummy with sudden nervousness. All day I've been just listening to him ramble only to listen to the way he talks, with such vigor and happiness. A bounce in his voice, that would just be the right amount of safeness. The way his hair fell when he would turn his head to look at me. His eyes sparkling every time he would begin to speak, or something he was talking about was his favorite thing in the world.

I don't know how I've never noticed this about him, but it's inviting and intoxicating at the same time. He is intoxicating. I am so goddamn in love with Mr. Shane Madej holy shit.

"Hey are you okay? You've been staring off into space for the past 10 minutes?" Shane lightly shook me by the shoulder, his touch was warm. We've been parked in front of some place for a bit, as I've noticed within the last few minutes.

"Yeah, I'm." I paused, looking over at him. His expression was filled with worry, he was afraid that I was suddenly feeling unwell of sorts. "I'm fine." I smiled warmly, swallowing my spit in hopes that it makes me look less nervous.

This isn't a date, why are you so nervous?

"I'm just thinking." I mumbled out, and Shane got out of the car, coming around to my side to help me.

"Thinking about what? If you're comfortable to share of course?" He asked, helping me out of the seat and shutting the door.

The place ends up being a park, the trees littered with Christmas lights, the paths decorated for a festival of sorts. In other news, the park is beautiful at sunset. It isn't a nature park, a city park, but enough park for it to have fields and fields of couples strolling, families playing and hanging together, love around.

"Thinking about.. being alive." I watch my words. I'm clearly thinking about him, but I'm clearly also not going to tell him that. He nods as we begin our stroll on the sidewalk.

We walk in silence, neither of us wanting to break it. He's watching the kids play tag in a field next to us as we walk by, I notice. He softly smiles to himself, looking at me. We lock eyes for a good few seconds before I turn away, clearly embarrassed for staring.

"Sorry." I mumble. The air around us is warm and inviting, a light breeze passes us. "Didn't mean to stare." I barely let out a whisper in hopes that he doesn't actually hear me. I was wrong.

"No worries. I was just remembering when I would play tag with the neighborhood kids when I was younger." He mentions, cracking a smile causing me to smile as well.

"Oh?" I look away from him and watch elsewhere, my eyes scanning the area. He says something else, but it's incoherent. My eyes lock on a couple walking hand in hand in front of us. My face scrunches then relaxes. They're smiling, laughing. The two keep bumping into each other the moment the other makes a joke. They're cute together. Both are very pretty girls too. They look like they make each other happy.

Do I make Shane happy?

"Hey, are you alright? You've been staring off into space and not answering me." Shane stops us and moves us into the grass so others don't have to walk around us. He leads the two of us into the grass some more and takes off his jacket, laying it on the ground and sitting down, patting a spot next to him. "Come sit, you kinda look overwhelmed."

"Wh-. I mean, yeah I am but how'd you-?"

"I've been around people enough. You look like you haven't, besides those you went to school with, and then whenever you would just follow me around." He sat back and leaned against his hands behind him, crossing his legs. "So, what's up?"

I get comfortable myself, laying down to watch the last of the sun leave the sky. The stars slowly begin scattering as it becomes darker. The light blue fading slowly into a dark blue, then into black. The air cools down some as the sun leaves for the day. "Nothing." I pause.

"It's nothing?" He contorts his face into a confused look, huffing slightly, then looking away after giving a "pfft".

"It's something, but I'm not comfortable with it yet, and I don't know what it means." Fuck. Why'd I say that? I watch him in the corner of my eye, he looks back at me and we pick eyes again for the millionth time. He's looking for something and I'm internally screaming at him.

We don't look away, he moves, watching me closely. He's searching my face for some sort of thought. He glances down for a second, then back to my eyes. I get that butterfly feeling again from earlier, but this time it's more intense. We're in complete silence, only the sounds around us continuing. The breeze, the sounds of kids playing and laughing and couples walking and talking.

He stops right before leaning down, moving away quickly. Was he... going to kiss me or something?? Oh fuck. Fuck fuck. Why would he do that? I'm not even, he just alived me not too long ago. Does he like me??

My face flushes a dark crimson, but luckily it's pretty dark out now. I glance over at him and he's looking away, a hand over his mouth. He must be blushing pretty hard, or feeling super embarrassed right now. Fuck, that's so cute.

"Shane?" I quietly mumble, sitting up from my previous position.

"Sorry!! Sorry." He apologizes quickly. "I just.." His eye look away and he's covering his face with his hands again.

This has teenager movie romance written all over it, weirdly enough.

I place my hands on his wrists, pulling them away from his face. By this point, we're pretty close. He looks at my hands on his wrists, then to my eyes. I give him a sincere look, soft and calm. I am so in love with you, holy fuck. Your eyes are beautiful.

"Shane I-." I pause, moving my hands on his wrists down when he moves them down to his lap. "Fuck." I whisper, looking away from him. I'm getting the butterflies again.

He chuckles. Oh my god, his chuckle.

"You're so cute." He says and I snap my eyes back to look at him. He realizes that he said that out loud, trying to break eye contact but couldn't.

And I kissed him. And pulled away from him. And only a second later, we were both too stunned to speak.

I break eye contact first, ignoring anything he decides to say next. Luckily, he doesn't and we both sit in silence until most of the park is just a few people, and the darkness gets darker.

We have to be so red right now.

And I don't know if I regret this yet.

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