twenty eight

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It's only been a few weeks since fully being in this.. relationship. If you could even call it that. It was weird, awkward a bit, and I don't really know how to fully feel yet. We kinda just said "yup this is a relationship" and called it that. Since then, I got a job. It wasn't really to pay for my stay, since Shane refused that help. It was to pay for extra stuff like food delivery and clothes. I feel too bad asking Shane and I don't want to rely on him in that way. I would rather beg for cuddles, not money. I know his job pays well enough for that sort of thing, but that's not a relationship. That's a sugar daddy.

I clocked out, getting my bags together for my leave. I said bye to my co-workers and dipped as fast as I could. I didn't particularly like working here, well the job is nice. The co-workers... not so much. They're not mean, but they're rude and a bunch of idiots. What's a job without a bunch of idiots though? I shrugged to myself, on route home. Usually I'd stop and grab groceries on the way, mostly snacks, but I went shopping yesterday so I don't really need to shop. I could just get some chips... I made the decision to pitstop at the store.

I went in for chips, and came out with more bags and a Ryan. I found Ryan in the cookie section, he was looking at the different Oreos. Not sure if they were for him or his fiancé, but he was definitely looking at them a bit too intensely. I interrupted him, making him jump. In the middle of the store. Somehow, I got myself into his car on the way to Shane's place. He only made small talk, talking about how Shane is constantly talking about me. I would deny any of that, even though I was probably wrong since these are the two that worked together the most. Then I would bring up working, since I started a job and he'd ask how that's going and so on.

And now I'm walking into the apartment with Shane coming to say hi to me and not expecting his bestie to walk through the door as well. He came to hug me and right behind me was Ryan. Shane looked taken back and I tried to tell him that he gave me a lift after running into each other at the store. Then he, of course, questioned me about why I went to the store because we had so much food already. Shane, being an idiot, forgot to invite Ryan in and offer him to stay for dinner. Good thing I'm on top of my game today. I've already made coffee by the time Shane and Ryan were knee deep into some conspiracy talk.

No clue what that's about. Either way, I started dinner and there's no way Ryan and talk his way out of it. I won't allow it. I wouldn't want to waste all this extra food, and I'll guilt trip him with it. Eat it up pretty boy. If only his fiancé could also enjoy my delicious cuisine tonight too. Maybe I'll force him to also take the leftovers. I don't usually cook, rather more the fact that I cannot cook. I follow a recipe and it turns out fine. Plus, everything I'm doing is just what I remember from before I was a ghost. Shane hasn't complained to a single meal so far so I think I'm in the clear. If there's something he doesn't like, he'll never let me live it down.

I finished quicker than anticipated and decided to offer some more coffee while it cooled down some, not cold enough to where the dinner is ruined but enough that when they plate it and eat it, their mouths aren't dying. It was still set on warm. By the time I invited Shane over to eat, Ryan did indeed plead his case to leave but I, of course, refused and stood my ground. I reminded him exactly what I thought to myself earlier and he gave in. Too easy.

I sighed and sat, waiting for the others to begin eating and make sure they weren't going to continue their argument conversation at the table. The counter? The counter-island. The thing between the living room and the kitchen with the high chairs. This thing is convenient and inconvenient at the same time. I kinda like and dislike the chairs being so high. Enough to dangle my feet but a hassle to climb up on. I'll mention this to Shane later, after Ryan leaves with the leftovers.

Dinner came and went and Ryan did indeed leave with the leftovers. He told Shane that he was looking forward to seeing him at the office tomorrow and good luck in my job tomorrow as well. We both thanked him for stopping by, as I thanked him for the ride once again. I put away the snacks I bought and realized... I grabbed an extra bag. It was the Oreo bag that was Ryan's. He was too long gone for now and I told Shane to give him his Oreos back tomorrow. As for Shane, he hugged me straight after Ryan left, well almost straight after he left. It was basically when I went to sit back down at the bar stool counter area.

He leaned down over me and hugged me. When he pulled away, he kissed me. Deep and longingly. God I missed him so much even if it were just a day. I kissed him back with the same, no, more passion than he first gave. I placed an arm around his neck and the other hand grabbed at his shirt. I felt like we haven't done this in forever, and we haven't, not in a few days.

Our lovey dovey has been strictly cuddles lately. Sometimes, Shane gets too flustered to handle us being together and needs a break so we just cuddle. It's kind of rare for Shane to be all dominant with me out of the blue. Usually he'll ask to kiss me or something. That's usually how it goes, but this feeling is different and I kind of want him more than just a kiss. At least today. On super kissy days, it's usually a make-out session and then he gets embarrassed, and then we cuddle. There's something different. He wants something.

I pulled away and tugged at his shirt but he picked me up and led me to his room. Ah, he's in this kind of mood.

a/n: i wanted to take a stab at no dialogue this chap. anyways, i was thinking about a spicy chapter but i don't know yet. i haven't done a spicy chapter in a long while and i don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so ill ultimately leave it up to you guys 🤷🏼‍♀️

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