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It's been a few days since Mark was over and Shane's been kinda off, but he had to go to work and most of the time, i was under his desk coloring so no one else could see a pen and crayons move on their own. Shane would accidentally kick me sometimes and whisper his apologies, but i know it was accidentally.

And his offness has something to do with whatever Mark told him on the way out, which i didn't get to catch because I wasn't fast enough. All Mark did was say something quietly to Shane and Shane shook his head. Not sure what it was about, of course.

It kinda threw me off too, because when we'd come home, he would chill or ask something and i wouldn't comment back, or wouldn't show up. I'd just be in my own little space wondering what happened before Mark left.

The energy at the house is okay, it's normal, no demons, just ghosts that seem to come and go. No, I don't have "ghost friends". Ghost friends are only a thing if the ghost people die together or are somehow bound together. Same goes with ghost couples.

And sometimes I wonder what Nick said under his breath after he vanished the demon away. If I were to go to heaven or hell. That thing. I don't know, to be honest. I want to be reincarnated into a really pretty girl, someone that someone would date.

Speaking of that kind of, I wonder what Shane thinks of in a girl. Ya know, is he single? Taken? Does he have a pretty girl? Or boy, no discrimination here. I want to know, but I feel that's too personal.

I wonder if his friend and co-worker Ryan has a significant other. I could ask about Ryan, I'm sure Shane wouldn't mind.

I sit on the couch and appear, Shane looks over at me and turns the TV volume down. "What's up? You doing okay?" He asks, knowing I've been quiet these past few days.

But instead of asking him about Ryan, my mouth spills words before I can stop and take them back. "What did Nick say to you before he left?"

"Huh?" He questioned, "oh you mean the thing he whispered to me?"

I closed my mouth and looked down at my hands, nodding slightly.

"He told me that if I ever want to help 'it' or you to the other side, to let him know, but I told him I wasn't interested. And he said, 'oh right, because you're a skeptic'." Shane paused and watched me. "And then he left."

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