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I laid down on the couch and watched Shane grab Advil for the headache I caused. I watched him sit next to me, causing me to sit up. This is my time to shine or at least I think it is.

I watch him carefully. He reads a book, not sure what book but I also don't really care. I do a few subtle things like walk or run passed him really fast so it seems like a small gust of wind went by him or the air conditioning kicked on. I played a little with moving things around and then went on with going to his room and rearranging a lot of things.

I only went in his room that one time because it feel weird to be in his room, even though I'm a ghost and he can't see me. I still feel human and I feel like his room is private. I mean, his house is his privacy, but somehow I got stuck with this guy so I have to break some boundaries.

He still sat on the couch reading so I walked over and used some of his electricity to say "Shane". It was a whisper, but was loud enough for his head to tear away from the book. He darts his eyes around his apartment. Before returning to his book, he squints his eyes my direction and says, "Must've been my imagination."


A few hours pass or me resting so I could attempt to show myself, at least what I can. He closes his book and gets up to go to the bathroom. I follow, but wait at the door until I hear his sink going. I walk through the door which took some of my energy but he had his phone with him so I took some of his battery power.

With that, I stood behind him as he brushed his teeth and appeared, though I was transparent and pale. He shrieked and bumped his head against something and I disappeared while he wasn't looking.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY APARTMENT!?" He believes that I am a real person, an intruder. I tried to look more ghostly than human since I was, in fact, a ghost.

I walk out to the center of the living room and use all my energy and power to reappear. He comes out with a bat, which won't do much good. "Who are you and how did you get in my house?" By this point, I looked more human than ghostly.

"I'm a ghost." I spoke.

"Oh really? Then, if you're a ghost, this won't-" He swung his bat and it goes through my body. "go through.." He whispers and stumbles backwards.

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