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I watched the two older guys talk to the board on the bridge. Goatman's bridge. I wanted to move the planchette, but I didn't. I just watched. I listened.

"This is Shane." They move the planchette to spell out his name. "And I'm Ryan." They do the same.

They talk back and forth for a bit.

I look over to my left to see Goatman just chilling.

"Aren't you going to communicate with them?" I ask.

"Pfft, nah. They're playing it wrong. And that Shane guy doesn't believe so I can't even move it if he doesn't believe." Goatman says.

"Huh... Didn't know that." I watch them.

"Nothing's happening." The Ryan guy says.

"Because it's a toy." The Shane dude says.

"Hey, girl." Goatman spoke up, walking backwards a bit.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Why don't you, uh, leave this place and haunt that Shane dude?" 

"You'd have to release me from the bridge. I only haunt this place because I committed suicide here." I answer, watching him disappear.

"Then you're released and your new owner is Shane Madej." I hear in my ear. I suddenly feel a strange feeling. One that pulling me. I walk over to this Shane guy and touch his shoulder.

"Did you just touch me shoulder Ryan?" Shane asked.

"No? Was is Goatman?"

"Probably the wind. It has been quite breezy tonight." 

I follow him. From now on.

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