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The sun rose and the boys were out of there, especially Ryan, who was eager to get out. If he didn't have to wait for the crew and Shane, he would've bolted.

The crew helped them clean up the house of their equipment after the boys ended filming and putting away sleeping bags and pillows. They removed their mics and zipped up their gear in a suitcase, putting it into the trunk of the car. After finishing up one last look around the house, they left.

I had waved good bye to the other ghosts I chatted with, thanking them for chatting. They thanked me for the company, to which I smiled at. I feel like I've been better company than of lately because they talked about how there's always something demonic that's attached to someone that ends up visiting the place. It's not uncommon, it's just sad.

In the car ride, it's quiet with Ryan falling asleep against the window, and Shane chatting his little heart away to the ones driving. Of course Ryan gets no sleep. Thank god they have a hotel so Ryan can get some decent sleep. I have a feeling Shane is going to do research on that soul selling thing.

For someone who acts like he doesn't believe in that stuff, he sure is doing a lot of research. Plus, it's dangerous, but I can't stop him. He's a human, and I'm just a ghost that merely follows him around.

I hope he does this the proper way as well. Buying the proper things needed and driving to a place rather than trying to cheat his way and just trying to do a summoning circle or some shit in his house. That's worse and his little friend from the first few nights would have to come over to clean up the aftermath.

We finally arrive at the hotel and Ryan grabs his stuff, bolting it to the inside and up to his room. Mans is tired and I do not blame him. I feel the same way, and while I'm not supposed to feel that same tiredness, I've been resting quiet a bit more which probably means I'm either dying as a ghost, or Shane is seriously considering the soul selling and I'm becoming more human.

Shane helps the crew carry whatever stuff they need to their room and then heads to his own, with myself following. When I make it in the room, he plops down and gets on his laptop. I was right, he's doing soul selling research.

Before I could comment on anything, whether it be my warning about his research or just to chat with him, his phone rings and an incoming facetime call is going off. He mumbles something to himself and answers. I remain quiet while his friend and him talk on FaceTime.

Better I don't chat, since the majority of people don't know about this and others would think he's crazy. I don't want others to think he's crazy.

So, I look around the room, exploring every nook and cranny I could reach to within radius. I was looking to see if there were any ghosts roaming, nice ones since the mean and rude ones are, well, mean and rude. I prefer the nice ones, that-a-way I can have conversations with them.

I look back at Shane who was still on his call and looking at his laptop research, and I decide looking for ghosts will have to be later. I want a nap, weirdly enough.


On the ride back home, it was quiet. The kind of quiet that was uncomfortable and weird, but no one dared to break it. Everyone was tired as soon as the plane landed and all drove back home as soon as they could. Shane stayed an extra hour at the offices, talking to someone about something. I didn't stick around to find out. I, instead, explored some of their building since usually I don't. It's a busy place during the day and I would hate to disturb others since I'm not like the other ghosts that lurk. I can still interact with things.

Shane and I are driving home, his home, after the hour or so of him still being at the office. He yawns, breaking the deadly silence between the two of us, looking over in my direction, then turns back to the road. "I'm going to take some time off of work."

"Okay." I mumble, placing my hands under my thighs, the palms against the seat beneath me.

"You're going to disagree with why I'm taking some time off." He continues.

"I probably already know why." I look out the window, spotting the house. We're close and I could not be happier to be somewhere familiar.

"Then you should know that anything you do, or say, can't stop me." He mumbles, pulling up into his driveway and parks, turning towards me. I appear to him.

"I know. All I can do is warn you and tell you how dangerous this decision of your's is."

He turns the car off and heads inside, I follow quietly.

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