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Shane POV

2:30 am came by fast, (Y/n) was sitting on the couch in my room spacing out. I wasn't sure if she was like resting like lately or was literally dissociating.

I guess once I called her name, she peaked up and gave a nervous smile. I grabbed the box and the items in their individual bags, grabbing my keys and putting my shoes on. She's pretty quiet, but this is something she wasn't fond of.

She rubs her eyes, yawning, and looking away from me. I finish and walk out the door, items in hand. She hops into the passenger seat and I start the car, beginning the drive to the location we had briefly chatted about.

A song plays in my head, my thumbs strumming the wheel. I look out of the corner of my eye as she glances at me doing so and giggles to herself, or so I believe.

Minute by minute passes and we arrive. 2:58 am on the time, so I park and undo the items in the bag, pouring them into the box. After mixing them and shutting the box, the worry on (Y/n)'s face grows.

"It'll be okay."

"I hope you're right."

The two of us get out and walk a little and I approach the sketchy looking gate, taking a step inside of it. These places don't spook me as much as they spook Ryan, but there's some sort of uncertainty with the warnings and voices of (Y/n) bouncing in my head.

"What's the deal?" A voice spoke. It wasn't (Y/n)'s. "You and this ghosty lass, she your girlfriend or something?"

"No, I.. Erm." I shuffle, (Y/n) standing behind me. "I want her to be a human, not a ghost. I'll do anything."

The voice becomes a body, a tall man, taller than myself. He towers over me, glancing between me, the box, and (Y/n) who hides further behind me, pressing against me. I can barely feel her, since she isn't human. "Anything?" He hums, thinking.

He looks over my box, then grabs it, stuffing it somewhere. I nod.

"History will fall into place, she'll end up being labeled as a runaway instead. I don't know if she'll be with you, or at your house, can't help you with that. I'll be taking your soul, and something else of your's later on down your life." He says, then walks away. "The future of you both is up to the both of you."

"Shane, I feel sick." (Y/n) coughs, and I turn towards her. She looks more ghostly than before, but human all at the same time. Her breaths quicken and I grab her shoulders.

"Hey stay awake." I shake her slightly, and slowly, she passes out. I go to pick her up, but she doesn't feel physical. I can't pick her up. I watch her disappear on the ground, panicked out of my mind. "Fuck. Where is she gonna end up??"

I rushed out of there and ran to my car, shaking some as I place my keys into the ignition and start the car. I drive out of there and head back to my parent's house.

Fuck. I hope she's there. If not, I'll grab an early flight home and blame it on work. Fuck, I was afraid of this. She isn't with me. "FUCK. She's not with me." I hit the wheel after I park in the driveway.

I get inside and quietly look around. She's not here and I pray that she's at home in California. I hope she's there. Fucking damnit, what if she's at Goatman's bridge?? Shit.

I open my laptop and book a couple flights for tomorrow. One to Texas, to spend a night there, and one from Texas to California, just in hopes that she's at my house. I book two flights from Texas to California just in case.

Wait. Will she have all of her memories? Will she remember me? Holy shit, I forgot about this. This isn't how I wanted it, but forums did say to be specific and I feel like I wasn't specific enough.

I lay down, in hopes to fall asleep, but I end up going to the kitchen to make coffee. I grab a cup and make myself some coffee. I cannot fall asleep under these circumstances.

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