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"Aye Shane, what's up? You're here early." Ryan looked over at Shane in his work area.

"I couldn't sleep." Shane sighed, looking in my direction, but not at me, obviously. He doesn't believe in ghosts. Why would he look at me?

"Man, that sucks. Any particular reason why?" Ryan leaned against his chair, looking at Shane staring off into space.

He shakes his head and looks over at Ryan. "I don't know man. Guess I'm not feeling too good. I'm not sick or anything though." He raises his hand to his head. "Head hurts a bit though."

I smirk and walk over to Ryan, moving his coffee cup over without a sound or them noticing it was being moved. I walk back over to Shane and push on his head. As much as I've gained a little crush on the guy I'm haunting, today's going to suck for Shane just so I can prove that ghosts are real to him. I don't care what I'll have to do to get him to believe.

"I just gained a massive migraine." Shane commented, moving a bit to get started on work. I started to move away, but accidentally bumped into his desk, knocking over his coffee and some papers.

"Oops." I mumbled and moved away from his desk as quick as possible.

"What the fuck? How'd this happen?" Shane complained, drawing attention to him a bit. Ryan and some other people notice Shane's distressed situation that I caused unintentionally.

"You good? Maybe you should go home. We'll delay the trip and everything." Ryan said, breathing out a heavy sigh.

"I'm good, but I will go home just in case." He sighs and packs up his stuff, trying to clean up all he could. Sometimes, I can be an idiot, but I haven't been around humans much at the bridge so I really don't know what to do with myself.

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