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tw // mentions of suicide/suicide story

"This can't be right. I don't believe in ghosts." Shane says, sitting on the couch which his phone plugged up to charge because he noticed I kept draining it.

"But you see me, right? You wouldn't have your phone plugged up if you didn't believe in me. You wouldn't be talking to me if you didn't believe in me." I answer. "You wouldn't have swung your bat and seen that it went through me."

"Then you were making me have headaches and you did that stuff to Ryan." He says, looking my way in disbelief.

"I did things to make you see me and believe in me." Answering respectfully, I appear in front of him again. He jumps a bit when he sees me. "Sorry, habit."

"You can't be scaring me like that. Especially with you, being a ghost and all." He says, taking a few more deep breaths. "So what's the relationship? You're bound to me? My house? Where did you come from? Which investigation?"

"I'm bound to you for as long as you live. I came from the goatman bridge."

"That bridge??" He pauses, taking a moment to think, and i disappear to regain my energy. "Hey where'd ya go-?"

"Sorry, being visible takes a lot of energy and you're not feeding me fear and I'm not using your services so better to disappear for a bit. I'll tell you where I'm at when I reappear, don't worry." I chuckle to myself, feeling my body warm, even though I haven't felt warmth in years.

"So your name? Age? Why you were at the bridge?" He asks, curious more than ever.

"(Y/n), age is 18. I was a suicide victim." My smile faltered, though he couldn't see it. "I ran away a few days before the day I died, hid myself in the woods so no one would know. I jumped off the bridge and hit a boulder. The boulder was hard enough to knock me unconscious. Once I was unconscious, I drowned. My body was found 2 weeks later, a little ways floating down the river. I was still young, I know.

"You could tell me a million different things, but I can't undo what happened. I'm just a ghost now. Nothing can change me unless my soul gets turned into someone else or somehow I'm reincarnated." I finish. "Sorry my death was uninteresting. A lot of people get shot or murdered and their story is told so many times, but mine is just a boring suicide."

He shakes his head. "No. I don't think so."

"I died 3 years ago. If I was still human, I would've been 21 already. But since I'm a ghost, I never age. I stay the same age that I die at." I say. And we talk about me being a ghost until he's tired.

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