Chapter 15

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School is almost over and I'm running out of time, I have to ask Kendall these questions that Hayes gave me. I examine the sheet he gave me and I started to read the paper. "1. Who do you like?" Wow he really thinks she'll answer that? "2. Do you like HAYES?" He's the worst question maker person or whatever. And the last one, "What did you feel when you and HAYES fell on top of eachother during recess?" Ehh that ones not so bad. I catch Kendall at her locker, "hey can I ask you something?" I say. She looks up at me, "umm sure?" She looks confused, I remember the first question, "Who do you like?" "Why? And why would I tell you, you would just spread it around the school." I give up on that question so I move on to the next one. "Do you like HAYES?" I say that really fast and she looks surprised.


I am not telling him I like Hayes.


"No, me and Hayes are just good friends. I'm never going to like him." I look at her and she looks sad after she said that, hmm. I start to speak, "um well like did you "feel" anything when you guys kind of had that collapse?" "no, nothing. I felt nothing" she gets up and walks away to her next class hm. That was weird.

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