Chapter 31

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Mrs. Blue drives us to cams house. We pull into the driveway and hop out of the car. Hayes and I run up to his door and it's locked. "crap." I say. He winks at me and lifts up the doormat, there's a key. "cam and I are best friends, I even know his garage code." He opens the door, and we listen. We hear screaming. We search the house, trying to find him. No luck. We run up the stairs and go into his room. He's not there. I try to listen more, I burst into the bathroom and I see cam standing there. Trying to open a thing of pills. "HAYES!" I scream. "I CANT GET IT OPEN!!" Cam yells. Hayes runs down the hallway and into the bathroom. He grabs cam and puts his arms around him. "Cam!! Calm down." Hayes yells. "AGH." Cam yells. Hayes looks at me, "grab the pills!" I grab them and throw them and flush them down the toilet. "NOO." Cam yells. "Call 911." Hayes says. When the ambulance gets here, they take cam to the hospital. He has to say overnight but will come back the next morning. I feel bad. I just didn't know how much Kendall meant to him.

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