Chapter 38

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Payton called me, she doesn't seem okay. Because thats what she told me, "Im fine." Girls can be so confusing. I hop into my new car because I just got my license. On the way to her house, I feel like doing something special. I drive down the highway and go to the mall. I walk to the food court and go to chick fil a, her favorite restaurant. I order her a chicken sandwich and drive back to her house. I pull into her driveway and all the lights are off, her parents must not be home. The front door is open and I walk in I look around and I can't find her. But then all of a sudden I feel a little body grabbing me. I look down and see that its her. She's crying, raindrops are spilling from her eyes. All I can hear is sobbing. sobbing. and more sobbing. I put down the food on the counter and put my arms around her. I rub her back while we make our way to the couch. My shirt is wet from all her crying, and I don't know whats wrong. Her head is buried into my chest. She finally looks up. Even though he face is red and puffy, all I can see is how beautiful she is. Her long brown hair, and her bright blue eyes. Her long eye lashes, and all the freckles that fill her face. I smile and she forces one back. I get up and go to grab the food, I stand while holding the food and look at her. She looks at me and instantly a smile forms on her face. She runs over to my and hugs me again, she looks up, "I love you." She kisses me and I smile. She takes the food and jumps onto the couch, she lays down and demolishes all the food. I grab a movie and pop it in. I sit down next to her on the couch. She lays her head onto my lap. And as soon as you know it, she is sound asleep. I kiss her cheek and whisper, "I love you."



I rub my eyes and turn on my phone it reads 4:30 am. Crap. I look over on the coffee table and notice a note. I try to grab it and not wake Payton, she is still asleep in my lap. I grab the note and it reads, "Hayes, I just wanted to let you know that I promise you that we are not mad. Don't worry, come over anytime. Just thank you very much for taking care of Payton." I smile and lay the note down. I look at Payton while she is sleeping and think. I still don't know why she was crying, I need to know. I stare at her and I soon fall asleep.

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