Chapter 18

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Im going to miss Ken being in my closet, but I'm glad the lying is over. I really hate lying to people, especially parents. I hope she doesn't get in too much trouble though.


I'm in so much trouble! My parents won't even let me come to the dinner table to eat, they make me eat in my room. In this situation I like school, I can go talk to all of my friends and tell them everything. I wonder what Hayes will say. Ugh I still don't know if I like Hayes or Cam! Like maybe I could like both but would that be like basically cheating on them? I don't even know.

It's Monday morning and I wake up to my mom gently shaking me. I'm so excited to see Kristie I almost forget to grab my homework. Before leaving the house I look in the bathroom mirror to see how I look, cropped leggings, converse, and my favorite sweatshirt. I hope Hayes likes it. My mom drives me to school just like she used to, when she pulls up at the curb I hug her and leave. When I get inside Kristies swarms me with questions like, "did she take your phone away? For how long? I'm so glad your here!"

"Yes, two months, and so am I!" I reply.

The bell rings and we head to math, Mr. James just sits in his chair playing candy crush. He doesn't do anything until the announcements are over and he has to teach. He doesn't really care if we do good he just says it and assumes we know it. But we actually have no idea what he is talking about, most of the kids in our class goof around the whole time. So when he says to sit down we are all shocked. He says, "It's time to change some things around here, you all have to listen to me or there will be big consequences."

We all exchange glances, then of course Dylan gets up and walks over to James and smirks, "your fly is down."

James looks around embarrassed, everyone just looks at Mr. James to see what he does. He does nothing, except for one thing, he calls the office to have Dylan removed from our class.

After he hangs up he says, "and if any of you try to do any 'monkey business', you will be removed too.

During class I'm actually learning something, Mr. James has a sensitive side. Whenever a kid starts to talk his eyes get watery and gets sad. I think something is wrong with him. After math I head to my locker to get my science and social studies things.

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