Chapter 33

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Im at school, and I feel like crap. I haven't slept this whole weekend. All I can think about is Payton. Im in science and I notice that a teacher walks into the room, its our principal. "Excuse me," he says to my teacher, "Is cam here?" My teacher points at me and I get up and leave the room with my principal. When I get outside of the room, I see that Hayes and Payton are there. I smile at them, Payton smiles, but hayes just looks away disgusted. "where are we going?" I ask. "To my office, to have a little chat." Im confused, but ehhh i don't care, its probably about the fight.


Our principal gets Cam too. The truth is, Im kind of scared of him, but I try to act like Im not. While were walking down to his offfice I spot a boy roaming the halls. He looks about our age, he's peeking into different rooms. I feel like he trying to find something. "Umm excuse me, Mr.Krane. I have to use the bathroom." I ask him. He replies, "fine, meet us at my office." I nod and run off the help the boy, he's cute. I want to help too. He looks up from a sheet of paper and smiles at me. I walk towards him and smile, "are you lost?" I try to sound nice. He laughs, "Yea I guess. Im trying to find room 146." He shows me the sheet of paper. "Oh, Mrs.Dahls room? Yea sure, its just around the corner, the fifth room on the right." I say with a smile. "Thanks." He walks off. I feel like I should say something, "Umm hey are you new?" "Yah, I got here yesterday I just moved from Texas." He does have an accent. "Oh well cool, my name is Payton." YES I REMEMBERED MY NAME EVERYTHING IS COMING BACK, at least I hope. "Sup' my name is Zach." He says smiling. He looks me up and down. "see you later?" he asks. "sure" I smile and walk away.

thank you guys so much for 1k reads, it means a lot. If you didn't notice we changed the cover of our book and title. Hope you like the book so far:)

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