Chapter 24

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It's 4:50 and I'm waiting at my house for Cam. I see a black car pull in (which is his) and I walk outside. I open the car door and hop in. "hey," he says. "Hi." I say. He pulls out of the drive way and starts driving to the park. Cam and I used to go to the park everyday when we were little kids, we haven't in awhile though and I'm happy that were going I missed it. I look outside my window and notice a huge yellow slide, swings, and the big oak tree. Yep this is the one. Cam pulls onto the side of the road where the park is and we both hop out. To be honest it's really nice to be here. I run over to cam and put my hands on his shoulders and shake him. "thank you!!!!" I yell. He laughs and I run over to the slide I climb up the ladder I stand on the top motioning cam to come. "Come on!!!" I scream. "Okay okay, Im coming" he says while climbing up the ladder. It's kind of awkward for us because we both go down the slide, and I sit on his lap on the way down. It's a long ride and I start laughing. But, all of a sudden I feel him put his hands around my waist. I freeze because I don't know what he is doing. We reach the bottom and I turn around and look at him, and then he leans in. I have no time to react but, he kisses me. My face is red and I don't know what to do. He looks shocked or scared, and he smiles. "are you okay?" he asks. "no, no I'm not." I hop off his lap and run back to my house. I thought he didn't like me, I like Hayes, wait, or do I like both of them.

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