Chapter 2

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Shizuoka, Musutafu Japan—

I stare at the screen of my phone - Daniel's contact on the screen, every message he'd sent me over the past hour or so on display, I got tired of hearing the notifications. I blink; my eyes felt wet, yet they burned because of how dry they were.

I throw my phone onto the messed-up bed and stand up from the carpet. I walk out of the room and grab my bag from the counter alongside my keys, leaving the apartment.

Rushing down the staircase of the complex until I get to the parking-lot. Sitting there on the curb in the rain was the pathetic man who had previously shattered my world - Daniel Key.

His head shot up at the sound of me, he stumbles his way up and latches onto me in a desperate hug. My face scrunches up in disgust as I shove him off of me.

"Go to your bitches house, Daniel. Leave me the fuck alone!" I yell out at him, plain and simple. Why couldn't he just follow simple demands.

I walk away from him towards my car, unlocking it, I open the driver door. He grabs the top of it, not letting me shut it as I get into the car. I grab the steering wheel in anger, and some fear.

He leans down grabbing my thighs turning me to face him, my legs dangling out of the car.

"Baby, look at me. Please." He pleads with me, his grip loosening and tightening on my thighs. I look up at him, his eyes red and irritated.

I glare at him, "Let go of me, or I'm calling the police, Daniel." I shove his hands off me and pull on the door,

"Tara, stop it. Stop! Fucking stop!" He shouts yanking the door with such vigor it fully opens, he immediately pulls me out, letting me hit the damp asphalt. I cry out a bit as my wrist gets hit with all my body weight.

I look up at him, wet hair in my face, "Don't fucking touch my shit Daniel." I spit out getting up, my legs scuffed up and damp with the dirty street water.

"Fucking listen to me then, Tara!" He yells grabbing onto my forearms tightly, turning where the pressure was, white and pink. I pull away from him multiple times, each time he just grabs onto me some place else.

I let out a scream, just to alert someone of my struggle, "Let go you asshole!" I yell shoving him and myself onto the ground.

He lets out an angry noise as he shoves me onto my back, straddling my hips. He lifts my front half up by my wrists slamming me back down, "You never listen!"

I let out a scream and push him with all the strength I can muster with him gripping onto my wrists. He falls to my left and I gather the time to get up and into my car. I slam the door shut and lock it. He gets up quickly and slams on the window trying to get the door open.

I shakily lift the keys to the ignition and start the car. I look up as he runs in a different direction, he's going to his car - that was the first thing to click in my head —he's going to kill me— this isn't the first scuffle we've got into in our long relationship, he's smacked me around a bit - never enough to warrant the idea that I need to leave. It was always my fault.

I push my gear shift to reverse and slam my foot on the gas, my tires screeching against wet asphalt as I back out of my parking spot. Quickly switching gears I book it out of that lot.

I drive along the nearly empty roads, the constant honking and bright lights of Daniel's truck as he tries ramming me off the road forcing the adrenaline to pump in my shaking limbs.

I turn into a still open fast-food joint's parking lot, I hastily park and get out of the car —I knew there'd be people here. So, if I did die, they'd know who did it— I shove open the door to the place in a panic, hitting someone. The person's arms wrap around my waist keeping us both from toppling over. In my panic I latch onto the person covering my face in their hoodie, they smell like those expensive cigarettes and clean clothes.

"Tara!" Daniel yells from the parking lot rushing up to where me and this stranger were, "Sorry sir, she's a little tipsy.'' He quickly tries covering up the situation.

I look from the guy's black hoodie up to Daniel, then look up at the stranger. He looked annoyed, beyond it even. His eyes drift from Daniel to me, noticing my pure panic. His grip tightened on my waist more, pushing me into him.

"The fuck do you mean? She ain't with you. Fuck off." He spits out; his voice was rather deep with a hint of a rasp to it, like he smoked for too many years. He walks right past Daniel pulling me along with him.

Daniel grunts when he gets shoulders, and he quickly grabs my arm, "She's my girlfriend, man.''

The stranger looks me up and down, his sight lingering on the scrapes and bruises on my legs along with my hands and elbows, "I think not, asshole. now stop fucking up my night with your bullshit." He grunts out pulling my right arm from Daniel's grip, a nasty glare thrown his way.

He takes me over to his car, it may have been rash and really, really stupid. But I trusted this guy. So, I got into the passenger side when he opened the door. He glances at me, just then I realize, this guy's eyes remind me of the man at the diner. Just like that day, I couldn't look away from his eyes, they were a very stunning azure that look like they shined like a sapphire stone. I feel at ease, like I didn't have to hold my breath anymore - I could breathe.

He tore his eyes from mine and sat the fast-foot bag on my shivering legs, the bag instantly put a relief on them, the heat warming and slightly burning my thigh skin. He —without hesitation— shut the door and shoves past Daniel who stood still, stunned that I'd just gotten into a stranger's car.

The man opens the driver's door and got in, starting the car. He locks the doors and looks at me, with bored half-lidded eyes. He gestures to the seatbelt, "Buckle up."

He puts his own belt on before putting the car in reverse, "You can either tell me what the fuck just happened and who you are. Or I can drop you off with that pigface." He states a bit too stoically to be taken lightly as he drove down the road, music playing quietly from the radio. I look down at the food bag chewing on my pale lips that chapped from my constant heavy breathing and cool air. My mouth felt so dry, but yet, I still spoke to him. 

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