Chapter 2

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Two - Brotherly Love. 

Saint Lukes - 2:20 PM.

I walk into his room, this time he was awake, groggy and the doctor said he didn't remember much. Dabi and the others trial was yesterday, with my hard proof of them not being anywhere the day everything happened they got a week of jail and 200 hours of community service. What can I say, I'm very persuasive. "How're you doing?" I ask with a soft voice, a cup of ice chips in my hand as I sit down beside his bed, he gives me a soft smile, his lips pale and chapped. I offer the cup of ice and he takes it. "Man I'd really love a cup of cherry jello. Hospital jello hits different." he mumbles, his voice raspy as he sits up as much as his wound let him. I shrug. "I dunno tastes like cough medicine to me." he rolls his eyes. "You ate moms jello, she probably ashed in it if we're being honest." I laugh, "Probably." I sigh and lean my chin down on the palm of my hand as he chomps away on ice. "Do you feel any better?" he shrugs, "Do you? I heard what happened with you all. My sister the felon." I roll my eyes, "I'm not a felon, wasn't convicted." he snorts, "Sorry, sorry, the nonconvict criminal mastermind." I nod with a giddy smile. "Exactly." he rolls his eyes bonking me in the head with the Styrofoam cup. I breathe a laugh through my nose and take the empty cup from him tossing it out. "How's Ander and Adrien?" I ask with furrowed brows, after the whole situation of Ander thinking it was me, I wasn't allowed to visit either of them. But they visited Saiko. Saiko and Ander paused their relationship after Ander tried to convince him it was me. I felt terrible, Sai was so utterly in love with Ander, and I ruined that. Saiko shrugs. "Adrien's fine, Ander's a mess. He won't even listen when I try to communicate with him anymore. He's just... he's different." he mumbles and sighs looking down at his legs. "I'm sure it'll get better, he's just processing what happened to you and Adrien." he shrugs. "He shouldn't keep you from seeing her though." I nod and shrug, "I agree, but he's her medical guardian I can't do much to stop him." I look up as the door opens and laughter fills the room till everything falls silent when I see Adrien's tired and bruised face, her hair still pink but the dirty blonde roots showing. Ander glares at me as he pushes Adrien back. "What the fuck is this?" he spits out, his eyes showing his absolute disgust with me. I looked down with a sigh. "It's my sister visiting me?" Sai stated the obvious as Ander breaths a disbelieving laugh. "Really? She fucking shot you Saiko. She attacked my sister, and you're seeing her like it didn't happen? God I thought you were smarter then this." Saiko groans out loud and leans back in his bed covering his face. "God not this crazy shit again. Even Adrien told you what happened." Ander snorts, "Adrien was hopped up on drugs because of your sister." I look up at Ander with sad eyes. "Ander..." he sneers at me. "Don't fucking talk to me." I nodded with pursed lips, fighting the hurt. I understood his caution. But it didn't hurt any less. "I'll go," I get up from my chair and Saiko grabs my hand. "You shouldn't have to leave because this asshole can't get over his delusion." - "It's not a fucking delusion! She's legit a psychopath!" I flinch and Saiko's hand tightens its grip. "Ander shut the fuck up and leave if your going to act crazy!" he snaps out and Ander flinches back by his volume. "Fine. Let's go." Adrien shakes her head, her tired eyes full of tears. "Ander you have to get over this, Sai's right. This is a delusion. I told you what happened. Stop trying to blame someone else." Ander's shoulders tense and he groans side stepping past his sister. "Fine. Fucking stay here. Watch what happens. Don't come crying to me when she shows you how crazy she is again." he walks off, his anger following him. Adrien rushes into the room and hugs me tightly. "I'm so glad to see you're okay Tas." she mumbles into my neck. I pull back and smile at her. "I'm glad you are too, I'm sorry for everything that's happened. It's my fault." she rolls her eyes, "Don't you start to. I've yelled at enough people over this shit. Whats done is done, and it's certainly not your fault." I smile at her as my eyes drift to my brother, his full of affection, no ounce of hate or blame. "Come here." he mumbled and opened his arms, a light stubble on his jawline, a gray to it. I happily walk over to him. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I repeated over, and over, and over again as he pulls me into his laying his head on my shoulder as we both sobbed. The guilt finally washing over and consuming me. "I'm so glad you're okay." he cried into my shoulder his hands squeezing the life out of me. No matter how much they tell me, I still feel at fault for their near death experience with a man who was after me. "It's okay... it's okay." he mumbles into my hair, his hand rubbing my back comfortingly as he pulls me into the bed holding me so tightly. "I'm okay, we're all okay. It's okay." I nod and sniffle as he pulls back and cups my face. "None of this is because of you. We were all in the wrong place at the wrong time." I shake my head. "I knew him." his brows furrow. "I knew him, he was after me hours before he went to the apartment. He was in a mafia. Saiko, one of his men tried... tried to... and I- I killed him... I killed someone and he went after me. It's all my fault." Saiko's eyes widen before he pulls me flush against him again, his heart racing below me as his arms shook while he held me. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I'm meant to protect you... I'm sorry. God I'm so sorry Tas." he cried into my hair, Adrien joined in the hug adding to the crying. 

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