Chapter 4

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Shizuoka, Japan—

I got back into Dabi's car, the shirt I put on stretching around my thighs as I sat. Dabi got in beside me and started the car. The click of our seatbelts fills the silence.

"Where to, Bunny?" He asks, I rolled my eyes at the pathetic nickname and told him Saiko's address. He backed out of his driveway and began the way I said. I was relieved when I knew I made the correct choice, getting into this car. Sai would definitely kick my ass for it. But hey, I'm safe. That's all the stoner asshole would care about.

I pat my backside, for my phone. I let out a groan when nothing was there. "What's wrong now, Bunny?" Dabi asked from behind me, I glanced at him, sighing.

"I must've forgotten my phone at my apartment." I grumbled out, Saiko hasn't answered his door in the past 15 minutes we've been standing here.

"Why don't I just take you there?" He asks, I rake my fingers through my already unruly hair, stress filling my already full cup of emotions. I turned toward him, tired, if I died, I didn't care at this point. I gave a weak nod and got back into his car. Dabi followed my actions but stared at me, not starting the car.

I looked up at him confused, "What?"

He shrugged and turned the car on, "Address?"

"Oh right. Sorry." I told him the address of my complex and he drove away from Marcus' house.


I grab out my keys from my bag that had been previously dropped on the floor of my building's lot —how some junkie hadn't taken it yet was beyond me— I expected to be dead by now. Pancaked on the road as Daniel laughed and drove away to go fuck his bitch again. Unless she grew some brains and left him when she found out about me too.

I glanced at Dabi as he trudged up the stairs behind me. Hands in his pockets. His long hair tied into a short ponytail, his blue eyes piercing into mine every time I looked back at him.

Once we had gotten to my apartment, there he was. In all his disgusting pride. Daniel. Standing, pacing, talking on his phone. By my door. I let out a sigh as I walk up to him, not like I really had any other options.

"Oh, thank god! Tara! Yeah, yeah she's safe, yeah, come by soon." He pocketed his phone not too long after and pulled me into a hug, I shoved off him and glared.

"How many times do I have to tell you to go away!" I push him to the side and unlock my apartment door. Dabi stood directly behind me; his front practically draped on my back. There was this aggression coming off of him as he stared at Daniel who just coward away from him. Daniel never was one to protect someone unless it benefited him.

I open the door, the lights still on, the reeking smell of perfume still misting the air. The bedroom door was still wide open, the bed sheets still thrown astray around it. I walked in. Dabi came in after me not long after, shutting the door in a flabbergasted Daniel's face.

"He's a fucken creep." He grumbled leaning against the door, as if to make sure no one could even get in if they tried. I glanced at him and threw my bag on the counter just like this morning, yet I felt at ease. With him here, I kind of felt as if nothing could really harm me. And that this place was safe. Not some dirty home that held Daniel as he fucked that girl.

I nodded as an answer and walked to the room. I grabbed my phone off the bed and turned it on. Luckily, I still had battery life on it. I had about 40 missed calls from the whole friend group, the main ones being Adrien, Mars and Ander. I also had about 100 unread messages. Daniel probably called them all and thought up a sob story like I'd been kidnapped or some shit.

I opened Marcus' contact first and read the recent messages. I sighed and clicked 'call' just as fast as I clicked, he answered. Not even a ring was heard.

" Tara ?! Holy shit do you know how worried we've been you bitch ! " It wasn't my brother, it was Anderson. I let out a breath of content. Hearing his voice washed worries away.

"M'sorry Ander, really, what'd Daniel tell you?" I asked, I wanted to know so I could tell the truth.

" He literally fucking called us all panicked. Mars answered and all freaked out in his drunk state was literally yelling at me saying you'd gotten into a strangers car after having a breakdown over something or some shit . "

I rolled my eyes, "Okay. That's half true. I did get into a strangers car. But—but! For a good reason, Daniel was literally gonna fucking kill me. He kept chasing me while I was driving to your and Mars house, almost ran me off the road a few times. I got to this food place. And ran into the stranger. He ended up helping me." I explained Daniel's partial fib.

" Why was he even fucking chasing you, Babe? What'd he do this time ? "

I sighed and looked around the room I was in. "I got home from the bar and caught him fucking some girl in my bed." I grumbled out, the sight replaying in my head. It made me cringe every time. The asshole going to town on some poor girl who had no idea what he was up to with us both.

" Continue after I beat your motherfucking ass . "

I paused in confusion, my brows furrowing, "What?"

All I heard was the door slam open and Dabi stumble slightly into the counter. "The fuck? Tara! Explain! Now!"

I walked out into the kitchen with my phone still in my hand. Staring at the boy in utter confusion, "How'd you..." I mumble before releasing a nervous laugh.

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