Chapter 9

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Dabi's, Tokyo Japan—

I didn't realise until it was too late. The chilly air hits my skin when I open my eyes. "Come along, Bunny."

I furrow my brows and look up at the mystery man, "How'd we..." I trail off and look back at the closed club doors. You could hear the music from out here.

"Don't worry about it." He says, I snort and look at him again as he opens the passenger door to his car, looking at me expectantly.

"But what about Adrien?" I briefly look over my shoulder, half expecting the energetic red-head to bound out of the club, he sighed.

"Saw her leave with a girl, she's fine." He says, I nod slowly and sigh complying as I get into the car. He shuts the door and walks over to the driver side.


"You can change out of your dress in my room, just borrow some of my clothes." He says as he shuts the door behind him. Tossing his keys into a little bowl next to the door. I look up at him and nod.

"Why am I here?" I ask, a bit slow on the uptake of things it seems, he grins while closing in on me. He wrapped me up in his arms, it was gentle but firm and just all around nice.

"Figured I'd show you actual fun instead of some boring boys." He taunts, I laugh and quirk a brow, "What makes you think I'd let you?"

His grin widens at my snarky tone, "Because I know you."

I hum and nod, "You know me?"

He leans down closer, "I'm very observant." I don't respond as he leans just a bit closer, his lips barely hovering above mine.

"You want me to kiss you?" he asks, his voice quiet and so sweetly gentle.

"Yes." I breathe out, his lips quirk up in a grin as his hand delicately touches my jaw.

"Go get changed, Bunny." He says with an unusually gentle voice, I snap out of my daze and quickly nod, turning away from him I release a silent breath as I walk down the hall I had once before.

Walking into his bedroom I shut the door behind me and lean against it closing my eyes. Sucking in a sharp breath, I push off and walk over to the bed, dragging my fingers across the silky sheet I look up around the room.

"Can I take a shower?" I ask out loud, just enough for him to hear outside the room.

"Sure." I hear back as a chair scoots across the floor.

I hum and strip myself free of my dress letting it hit the carpet as I rummage through the drawers my breasts pushed lightly on the metal linings of the drawer I've opened. I pull out a pair black boxers, letting out a quiet giggle, this felt funny to do.

I toss it onto the bed and grab a loose-fitting blood red t-shirt. It reached past my thighs so it'll be fine to use to sleep. I toss that near the underwear that was loosely sprawled on the bed.

I walk into the bathroom rubbing the under part of my breasts. I was strangely hot, not in a 'I'm hot because some guy's voice made me feel fuzzy' anymore, it felt like someone shut off the air conditioning and left it off all day.

I look around confused as to why I felt like I was being watched, first it's hot and now this? I grabbed the soft white towel from the hook it sat on beside the shower. I wrap it around my nude skin, covering up my chest and midsection but it wasn't long enough to cover my upper thighs.

I peek out of my room and see a tall man by the now open door —I locked that door— he hadn't spotted me yet. I slowly close the door trying to be silent. I let out a scream when his eyes snapped to my peeking head and rushed over to me. I rush to shut the door; I get it shut and he slams against it harshly.

"Let me in!" He shouts from the other end. I felt like crying and throwing up, I pushed myself against the door, my body jerking every slam that he threw. I wasn't strong enough to keep this up against the constant slamming and start sliding against the bathroom tile. He shoved it once more and I fell forward onto the floor, the door slamming against the side of the tub loudly.

Where was Dabi? Who is this guy? Was this a set up?

I stared up at him in fear as I gripped my towel, this situation was escalating far too fast for any real preparation. He knew what he wanted to do to me, it was obvious in how he stared down at me with a sickening grin like he'd won a jackpot. He drops to his knees and yanks on the closed towel scowling when I wouldn't let my death grip on it go.

"Just let go." He growls, those three sickening words were enough to send my stomach into the pits of bile, grabbing my forearms and slamming me against the bathroom tile two times, enough times to make me let go of the towel when my head met each hit.

He rips it open and my body was now on full display for him, it was cold and harsh and prickled at my skin. I let out a cry as I thrash around trying to get away from his towering body over mine and tight grip on my hips. His gross rough hands trail up my skin before he gropes my breasts painfully.

"Stop!" I cry out shoving and slamming my fists into his chest, he didn't budge, it was like trying to push a wall away. He squeezed my breasts in response, I let out a cry of pain. His hands move down to my thighs, going to spread them.

I took his distraction to claw him, my nails hit him directly in the eye. He shouted out in pain falling back onto his ass as he holds his red bleeding left eye. I'd torn the skin and hit his actual eyeball.

I scramble to get up and run out of the damned bathroom. I let out panicked cries as I rip open the door he seemed to have closed and stumble out into the hall, my body slamming into the wall as I slide in my rush out into the kitchen area, no sight of Dabi.

I breathe heavily as I look around for a weapon. My eyes land on a knife rack. I rush over and pull out a kitchen knife, its long shiny blade a relief as I spin around the towering man stumbling out of the hall.

"You bitch! You stabbed my eye!" He shouts, spit flying out of his mouth. I hide the blade behind my back.

"Get away from me!" I force my voice to stabilise, to sound stronger than I felt, his dirty eyes rake over my body as he grins, forgetting the blood streaming and dropping off his jaw.

"I'll make you pay." He growls before lunging for me, I let out a scream as I plunge the knife deep into his stomach in a haze of panic. He let out a choked gasp as he gripped my shoulders in a vice grip. I let out a cry as he drops to his knees bringing me down with him, I felt the knife slice upward a bit in the drop. I push it in deeper when I tumble with him and he jolts before staring at me with wide eyes swelling with tears. He choked before falling back, the knife sliding out of his body.

Blood gushes out of the wound and gets on my hands before I get pull away. I stare at his body before a rustle from the living room catches my attention. I let out a whimper as I crawl backwards pushing myself into the counter by the fridge, hiding myself from whoever this one was.

My eyes widened as Dabi stepped out from the shadows a black eye and bloody lip as he stares at the body pooling blood onto his shiny floor. I grip onto the counter top the knife clattering on it making him look at my trembling form.

"Jesus, doll, you alright?" He seems almost as panicked as I was, I shakily nod before looking down at the body.

"Oh god what did I do?" I whisper, the cold trailing of another man's blood trickling down my hands as I look up at Dabi.

"Bunny, I think you just killed a man." He swipes off his own leather gloves as he breathily chuckles, looking at the stabbed man. I let out a cry before he approaches me and shrugs off his overcoat. He gently places it over my shoulders.

"What'd he do to you?" He asks, tilting my head up to look him in the eyes.

"He... he watched me undress and tried to..." I shake my hands over my body as I breathe in a cry through my nose, my eyes swelling with more tears.

"Shhh, darling it's alright. You defended yourself." He coos, bringing me into his arms and petting my hair down. I wrapped my arms around his waist and bunched his dress shirt up in my fists as I sobbed. 

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