Chapter 3

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Strangers House, Tokyo Japan—

Clearing my throat, I pinched the corner of the brown bag in my lap, "He's my ex-boyfriend. I kicked him out of my apartment after catching him cheating with a girl in our bed." My voice coming out strained and tired, the man clicks his tongue and lets out a laugh.

"Your own fucking bed? Damn." He says, I can't help but let out a few chuckles of sorrow.

"But that doesn't explain why you were running from him." He points out, I sigh and pick at my skin nervously.

"I wanted to go to a friend's house, I couldn't stay and sleep in the bed after what I'd seen. So, I left and found him waiting for me outside, by that time it'd already been close to two hours afterwards." I mumble, he nods along and pulls up at a really fancy looking house. A house I could never afford in my lifetime.

He pulls into the driveway and shuts off the car. He looks at me and takes the bag from my lap. He jerks his head towards the house, "Well? What are you waiting for, Doll?" He questions getting out of the car, I quickly follow after him. I look up at the house, it may have been dark outside, but I can still see the décor that lays outside.

He unlocks the front door and walks in; I follow after him. He sets the food bag down on the table in the kitchen after turning on the lights. I look around shyly, I'm in some stranger's house after almost being whatevered by my ex-boyfriend - this has been one eventful night.

He looks at me tossing his hoodie on a chair, He had a white shirt on. His tattoo's that weren't covered by the shirt on full display to me. I look him over once before sitting down as he does too. He opens the bag, handing me the fries as he takes his burger. I shake my head, this felt immensely rude. I'd wrecked his night, now I'm taking food he paid for.

He rolls his eyes and cups my hands around the sides of the fry box with the use of his own. I caved and started eating the well salted fries.

"Continue doll." He muttered taking a sip of his drink. I sighed.

"I got to my car in the lot, he followed me, As I got into my car, he wouldn't let me close my door. He ended up pulling me out of the car onto the ground, it's how I scrapped up my legs. We fought back and forth, I shoved him when he grabbed me again, we both ended up on the ground. He got on top of me and hit me against the ground a few times until I shoved him and got into the car. Then I got to you, I guess. I don't know, it's all some sort of panicked blur." I mumble nibbling on a fry, I wasn't very hungry, but they were good. The man hummed.

"And who are you?" He questioned after a stretch of silence. I hadn't expected comfort from him, but the lack of emotion within his voice was disturbing.

"I– Um," he sighs, his left hand falling to the table, "Dabi. There. Now your turn princess." I looked up at him, he held a weird muse in his eyes as he smirked. He was teasing me as if we were lifelong friends.

I chewed on my lip again, "Tara."

He licked his bottom lip, which held a silver stud piercing. He grinned repeating my name. When he said it, it gave me goosebumps, I liked the way it sounded off his lips. I don't know why.

He looked at my sitting figure over again before speaking, "I can see your bra, you want a shirt?" he said, scooting his chair back and standing up. I followed him quickly, not wanting to wrong this good thing he was doing. I hesitantly nod. He scowls and lifts my head up by my chin, using his thumb and index finger.

"Doll, vocal answers please. Shirt or no shirt?" he asked, in an oddly sensual voice. It felt nice no lies there, like I had been talking to a boy I like back in middle school, he gave me butterflies. I felt disgusted with myself. I just met him. I stared at his eyes and gave a yes.

He grinned and his two fingers slid from my chin to the base of my throat before he walked away. I didn't know whether to follow. If I followed, this would probably exceed to something more, like a rebound fuck. I didn't want that; I've unwantedly used this man enough. But when he stopped and looked back at me annoyed, I had no choice but to follow him.

I nervously pick at my fingers watching him rummage through the shirts in his walk-in closet. He ended up pulling out a white loose V-neck shirt. I took it from his hands chewing at the soft skin of my lip, inside, to see if I could at least not look anxious at the moment.

I ultimately failed. Daniel would've kept blabbing not seeing I was sad or feeling really anything. But this guy, he was observant, to the point it was terrifying. He bends over a little to look me eye to eye.

"What's wrong? Why so scared, Bunny?" He grumbled a small prominent smirk on his lips as he found amusement in teasing someone he'd just met.

I grew ballsy and rolled my eyes, "I'm not scared. I'm wondering where I can change my shirt."

He licked over his upper teeth, standing up straight. The muse in his eyes was gone. He pointed behind him, "Just go into my bathroom."

I nodded and moved behind him into said room. I took a deep breath once I shut the door. Leaning onto the bathroom counter I closed my eyes and regrouped myself before looking up.

My eyes were bloodshot and puffy, the skin underneath red and irritated. My shirt wet and caked with mud from being pushed around, the bottom torn from Daniels harsh grab and throw to the ground.

My lipstick, a cheap drug store brand, was an odd light pink, smeared across my bottom lip to my dimple. God, I looked a mess. I sniffle before turning on the spout and splashing water onto my face, rubbing the lipstick off.

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