Chapter 14

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Unknown, Somewhere in Japan—

I sit numbly against the wall, my wrists bound in front of me. "This is all your fault you know," Hawks hums as his head is bandaged by a petite brunette girl. Bruises littering her body. No inch untouched. I look down, my eyes unblinking.

"Marcus would hate you. Blame you too. I mean you are the reason he's dead." He continues, his tone dead as he pats the girl's arm. "Thanks, sweetheart, you can go." She nods silently and scurries out of the room like a startled lap dog.

He approaches me and crouches down to my level, "You should've just listened." His hand wraps around the chain connecting the cuffs and yanks me up. My wrists rubbed raw from it all. He silently walks us out of the dark room.

The door swinging shut behind us on its own. He opens a different door and shoves me in. I try to catch myself by my wrists bend beneath me as I hit the floor, the pain radiating up my arms to my elbows. I release a whimper of pain when he uses his foot to shove me onto my back.

The room is quite large, a chandelier above me hanging eerily tall and the crystals shining in the well-lit lights. Candles lining a shelf above a large classic piano. The floors were pure white tile, not an inch of dirt or dust no matter how large the room was.

A bed layed in the corner, sheer sheets lining the posts to form a barrier around the king size. No windows in sight. But a large mirror sat above the bed peering down at it. I'm forced up and thrown about like a ragdoll. He shoves me onto my back on the bed.

"Stay here. I'll be back." I don't respond and he walks off to a different end of the room.

I continue looking around, distracting myself from my situation. The room was gorgeous, elegant yet simple. No posters or really decoration at all besides a few expensive paintings and a weird twisted and woven wall mantle. A vanity sat across from the bed against a curved wall, make-up and perfume, colognes sat on top of the light beige wood.

The door clicks open and in walks a fairly tall woman, her hair gelled back and in a ponytail, it was a shiny phantom white, her eyebrows the same colour. Her skin a light brown shade, and her eyes a bright honey brown. She gives me a smile as she approaches.

"Hello, I'm Remi, sorry for the cold welcoming." She tilts her head at me and takes the cuffs in her hands unlocking them. She tosses them behind me on the bed.

"Would you like a bath? I'm sure the... grime is a bit uncomfy?" She hums, her voice was soft and angelic. She was too sweet to belong to the same people as Hawks had around.

"What's the cost?" I mumble and she sighs.

Her smile dropped to give way to a pity look, "No funny business, just a simple bath."

I looked over over, she was wearing a form fitting shirt and jeans. Her feet clasped with black high heeled boots that stopped at her calves. Her hands clasped together in front of her thighs. She reminded me of Kurogiri, so welcoming and sweet yet surrounded by disturbing men.

"Come on, I promise nothing will happen." She holds a thin hand out to me, and I hesitantly take it, she helps me to my feet and holds my arm up by my hand and elbow.

She walks us to the end of the room opposite of the way she came, and Hawks left. She releases my elbow to open the bathroom door. Walking us both in, she shuts it behind her.

"I know Hawks can be abrasive and rude. I'm sorry for what happened." She mumbles with a sad frown as she helps undress me. Leaving me there she walks towards the bath and turns the water on. "I'll have you stick by me, so you don't have to deal with them, okay?"

I nod as she faces me again, offering her hand. I take it and she helps me into the tub. I sink down and the warm water soothes my aching body.

"Where'd you get these?" She asked, her boney fingers running over my old bruises.

"I had an accident." I mumble my voice hoarse.


I shake my head, "Ex boyfriend."

She hums, "I had one like that, Hawk's helped me. Beat the ever loving fuck out of him, this was back in high school. We've been friends ever since."

I nod, "Is that why you've followed him even though he's like this?"

She sighs looking down as her hands dip in the warm water. "Hawks changed, when his mother died he just... he turned cold. He was like that for years until he found this. He's my best friend, and I love him. I may hate what he does, but he needs me."

I nod, "My brother was that for me. Hawks took that from me."

She flinches and looks up at me from the water, "I'm so sorry."

I shrug, "It is what it is. I'll get my pay back."

She nods, her face hardening. "I'll help you; he's caused so much damage. Hurt so many innocent people. I've stood in the sidelines too long. I've let him get away with too much. I want to help."

I look up at her and I give her a smile. "Okay."

She gives me a sad smile. "I'll try and contact your friends, the L.O.V have been Hawk's biggest irritation, be glad you found them when you did." She rubs my aching back with a delicate hand, her touch held a deep comfort during this time.

"Don't be surprised when they don't show up." I mumble and look away.

"Why? Aren't you one of them?" She asks her voice laced with confusion.

I shake my head, "I met Dabi the night my ex attacked me, he helped, and we became a sort of acquaintances who kept bumping into each other. The night I was attacked by one of Hawks men, I killed him. Dabi took me to the L.O.V, as you said, base and I met them. They didn't much like me. So like I said, don't be surprised if they don't show up."

She bows her head and looks at me, "I'm sure he'd come for you, if he took the time to drive you out to keep you safe from Hawks. He cares, knowing Dabi and how ruthless he can be to people he could care less about. Dabi isn't one to help people." She explains to me in a soft voice, giving me a smile and a little bit of hope.

"Thanks Rumi." I mumble, she nods and reaches out to grasp my hand in her warm grip. 

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