Chapter 3

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Three - Desire.

Jail - 2:30 PM.

I look around me cautiously before placing the phone close to my ear and mouth, cupping the bottom. "I told Sai what happened that night." Dabi's cold eyes run over my face before snorting, "Not even a Hi, hello, how are you? Or an I miss you? Fuck I'd even take a fuck you." he teases, rolling my eyes I blow him an exaggerated kiss. "Hi, hello, how are you." he grins, "I'm great Bunny." I hum, "Got a bitch yet? Or are you the bitch." I deadpan, his eyes twinkle as a genuine grin spreads across his face. "I already have a bitch, can't cheat on them in prison. I'm fucked up, but I'm loyal." he teases, his voice low and sensual as he leans on his elbows. I snort. "Yeah? Who's that?" he runs his tongue over his bottom lip. "Sweet little thing, brown hair tiny. Fat ass." I roll my eyes. "What's her name?"  - "Lucia." I let out a loud laugh before covering my mouth in embarrassment for how loud it actually came out. "The lack of hesitation astounds me," he smirks. "A lot of me astounds you Bunny." I smile and lean closer to the plexiglass separating us. I lean close enough to press a kiss to the glass, the lipstick I had put on prior to the visit marking it. I'm definitely cleaning my mouth with soap after this. His eyes dart across my lips, the lipstick smeared a little. "I'm getting out tomorrow, you gonna pick me up doll?" I hum and foreign a thinking look as I tap my chin. "I don't know, I'm going out to lunch with Adrien. Might not be able to." he rolls his eyes. "Pick me up and I'll go with you." I tilt my head, "What about the others?" he shrugs. "Fuck the others." I laugh again and sigh as I hear an alarm buzz behind him. "Times up." a guard yells by the door. I jump in my seat with a huff of annoyance. "Don't be like that Bunny, I'll see you tomorrow." I smile and nod as he stands up. "Don't have too much fun without me." I hum, "How could I ever." with that he hangs up the phone and follows the guard out. I sit there for a few more minutes before my shoulders drop and I sigh. 

"Mom always said you followed me around like a puppy." Sai muttered as he looked up at me, I leaned onto the side of his hospital bed, my head laid on his arm. "Mom was a pathological liar." he snorts and nods, I smile at him before lifting my head and grabbing the cup of juice behind me and handing it to him. He sips it before sighing letting his hands rest in the dip of his thighs. "Do you think she'd be concerned? You know, if she was still alive. Would she be scared for her kids." I frown at his crestfallen look, placing my hand on his I shake my head. "No. I don't think she would. Mom liked to look after herself, you know that." he sighs and nods, his face so dejected it hurt my heart. "It'll be okay Sai." I lay my head on his shoulder and rub his back. 

Outside Jail - 3:30 PM.

I lean against the hood of my car my head leaned back as I close my eyes, taking in the heat of the sun glaring down on me. Today was abnormally hot for the middle of fall. I open my eyes reluctantly as the chain-link fence opens up as Dabi walks out, a bag held in his tattoo clad hand. "Enjoy prison, boss man?" I hum out as I open the passenger door for him, he rolls his eyes setting his hand on top of the door and leans down capturing my lips. I sigh through my nose as he pulls me in by my waist, the bag gripped in his hand lightly smacking the small of my back. He pulls back and kisses the side of my jaw before fully stepping back. "It was an experience that I'm used to." he grins as he slid into the car. I snort and close the door. Walking around the car I get in the drivers side and blast the AC as I switch gears. "Glad you enjoyed yourself. Don't ever do this shit again." he laughs out loudly, "You got us arrested, shit I had nothing to do with it this time." I breathe a laugh and turn out of the trail away from the lonely stone building. "Sure, sure." 

Completely forgetting about me and Adriens plans as I'm slammed against my front door. I'd taken over Saiko and Ander's old house when Ander moved out and Saiko was confined to the hospital. The apartment felt estranged, no longer mine. I refocus on the rough lips on mine, the light stubble on Dabi's jawline scratching my cheeks as I breathily moan into his feverish kiss. He pulls back and breaths out heavily as he cups my face. "God I missed this shit." he growls out as his hands slide down from my cheeks to my neck before one hand remains there and the other trails down my body until his grips the curve of my hip. He pulls my body flush against his and I laugh, his hand on my throat sent my stomach into a fit of butterflies, his grip delicate and not smothering as he walks us backward. "Bunny, bunny... bunny." he breathes out in that sensually deep voice of his as he sits back on the couch he'd approached from behind. Pulling me roughly into his lap, my knees at the sides of his hips. I look over his face with a soft smile, my hands caressing and tracing the curves, scars, skin of his face as his eyes bored into mine. A soft sweet but lust filled look in his eyes. "What're you doing to me?" Dabi mumbled as he leaned in closer to my face, his hand cupping my jaw as he leaned my head up. "Loving you." I whispered before smiling as he captured my lips into a heated kiss. 

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