Chapter 16

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Days later, Hosu City, Japan—

I pace around the room, my hands tangled in my hair as I stare at the floor. "Would you stop pacing? You're giving me a headache." A raspy voice groans out. I stop and look up at Shigaraki.

"My best friend's missing, my brother's body is gone with her, what the fuck do you expect?" I growl out ignoring the feeling of wanting to rip my hair out.

"We'll find them just sit the fuck down." He growls out, I glare at him and walk off towards the hall, refusing to listen to him.

I slam the door shut and breathe in and out quickly. The door opens behind me and shuts just as fast. "Would you calm down?"

I look behind me and up at Dabi as he approaches me placing his calloused hands on my arms. I sigh and slouch. "I killed him. Who would've taken him?"

Dabi shrugs, "He could've put an order out before he died, the blood was dry when we showed up there, so he was moved a while before that." I nod and sigh looking down.

"You need to calm down, okay? Freaking out on everyone isn't gonna help." He says, I glare at the floor.

"Keeping calm has gotten me nowhere too! And I'm mad, I'm mad, I'm scared, no I'm fucking petrified. This is all my fucking fault and now they're paying for it. I got my brother killed and my best friend's probably dead too." I spew out as I grab at the skin on my arms, my heart racing again.

I snap out of it when Dabi groans, "Would you quit that? None of this is your fault, quit it."

I glare at him and the way his voice made him sound insensitive, "I didn't ask you to come in here. Nor did I ask you to act like an asshole." I spit out as I go over to the queen sized bed and sit down.

He forces a laugh as he throws up his hands, "Why're you so fucking difficult. I came in here to comfort you and now I'm an asshole?"

I glare at him, "Yes! Because you aren't helping and you're acting like I owe you some sort of fucking thanks for coming in here and telling me to basically shut the fuck up and get over it!" I growl out as he laughs again more disbelieving than the last.

"Oh my god! Really? God, I wish I didn't help you that night, my life would've been so much fucking easier." He spits out without much thought behind it. I freeze and look up at him, his face full of guilt as I strain a cry with a forced laugh. I can't believe I fell for a man just like the rest. I may have been a bitch because of all this shit. But I didn't wish him gone.

"I loved you. I loved you so much I let you destroy my life." I spit out as I slowly stand up from the bed, my fists clenched as all my built-up anger is directed at the inked-up man in front of me.

"And that's my fault? You agreed to this. I didn't make you do shit." He growls out, I force a laugh out at his ignorance.

"Do you not fucking hear me!? Are you fucking deaf!" I throw my arms up as my voice raises. He just scoffs and throws his coat on the hotel bed.

"I didn't make you do this shit! You made this choice, you made the choice to help, to follow me. I didn't make you fall in love with me. That was your fucking choice." He spits out, I let out a laugh and drop my arms at my sides.


He quirks a brow at me, "Okay?"

I purse my lips as my eyes fill with tears of pure anger. "Okay."

He sighs and follows my steps as I walk backwards, sitting on the bed limply. He kneels in front of me and places his hands on my knees. "I'm sorry, okay?" He breathes out, his eyes screaming that he's not used to this.

"Mhm." I try to restrain my own emotions; I've been enough of a bitch. He sighs and reaches up cupping my face.

"Bunny..." He breathes out, his eyes genuine with his words prior, no matter how tense they sounded.

"It's okay, I was being a bitch." I mumble and look down, he sighs and lifts my face up, running his thumb under my bottom lip, he gives me a comforting smile. The tension between us dying out with our anger.

"We're both stressed, I was being a dick."

I smile and nod, "You really were."

He rolls his eyes at me and leans in closer, pressing his forehead to mine, before tilting his head up and kissing my forehead. "I'm sorry," he says once more, less grumpily and rudely. I knew how weird this was for him, being this emotional. Lowering his walls, it was weird for me too. It felt out of character.

"Do you really love me? I'm not too old for you?" He said with a grin, getting cocky.

I roll my eyes and slap his shoulder, "Shut up."

He laughs and stands up, pulling me up with him. He pulls me into a hug and sighs. "You didn't answer the question."

I groan and push him back; he laughs again falling back onto his ass on the bed. I cross my arms in front of him, "Yes, I guess I love you."

He grins and pulls me between his legs by my waist looking up at me, his grin softening to a smile. I couldn't help but smile back, cupping his face, "You don't have to say it back, I know how much this might be for you."

His hands rub the small of my back as he rests his chin on my chest. His eyes are soft and sweet like a puppy. "You're so pretty." I mumble and he snorts, "I'm pretty?"

I hum at his confusion, "Very."

He grins and leans up and pressing a soft kiss to my lips, "You're gorgeous." He mutters when he pulls back to look me in my eyes, I smile as he presses another before pulling back fully and releasing me.

He stands and takes my hand, "Should probably go back and help the others, I mean your friend is missing." I groan, feeling terrible for indulging in his stupid self. 

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