Chapter 5

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"What the fuck Tara!?" One very flushed Marcus squawks as he rushes in, I let out a squeak when he embraces me, the smell of faint weed and a twang of beer floating off him as he squeezes me to him.

Marcus was about 12 years older than me, he was my caretaker when I came to the city as a little college freshman with braces and braided hair. He was a good brother, not a great one; he was still a little dick. He pulled away from me and sighed as he cupped my face.

"Are you okay? Did he ever really hurt you?" His brows were creased worrily, and I felt guilt slowly build up in my stomach for causing it.

I shrug, "A few bruises but nothing serious."

His face pinched up in anger as he spun around, pulling me protectively into his side, "Who the fuck are you?"

I snort as he harshly brushed my hair with his hand. Dabi raised his hands up and grinned. "Just the man who ruined his night for your sister."

Marcus sharpened his glare before looking at Anderson who stood guard at the opened door, Daniel peering over the much taller boy's shoulder.

"I'm going to kick your fucking ass Danny!" Marcus shouted before releasing me and rushing at the man who could be compared to that of a deer caught in headlights. I looked up at Dabi with semi wide eyes. Despite the fact his boyfriend was standing in the way, Marcus barreled through that doorway into the apartment hallway to chase down Daniel.

A week later, Tokyo Japan, Nightclub—

I pull at the fishnets I had on. They were beginning to pinch at my thighs every time I sat down. "Adrien..." I whined at the pink haired girl as she flirted with a girl that had the same hair color as her, just brighter and shorter and curly, super curly.

She was a little shorter than Adrien. Something the she-devil loved in her women. Her last girlfriend was my height, maybe an inch taller. This girl fits Adrien's type, other than her boisterous personality, it was a perfect match.

I rolled my eyes and hopped off my seat. I ended up falling into a man who was walking right past me the same time I got off my stool. He caught me in an oddly, 'Romantic novel' type of way. Hands at the hips, my chest flush against his, or well his stomach, he was way taller than me, then I noticed I spilt his and my drink all over the man next to him.

I pushed off the guy I'd fallen into and gasped at the sight of the blonde one, "I am so, so sorry!" I rush out, turning towards the bar to grab napkins.

"Don't worry 'bout it. Honest mistake." The guy's friend, the one I hit into, said. I nodded and handed him the napkins. By this time, the rest of my group and theirs circled us slightly.

I let out an embarrassed breath as I watched the two try and clean off the clear liquid that was white rum. I didn't drink it all since it wasn't my taste. And I'd just spilled that all over his very nice expensive looking shirt.

"Yeah, no worries hottie. I'll let it slide for you." The blonde one grinned giving me a wink. I let out a small laugh nodding giving him a smile.

"Thanks. I'm Tara. Figured since I well... spilled my drink on you, better give you my name." I mumbled, the blonde gave me a toothy lopsided grin and held his pale hand out, "Call me Kami sweetheart."

I grabbed his hand and shook it. His right hand and left hand had matching tattoos, both in Japanese, one said 'Electro' while the other said 'Boy' quite the odd tattoo.

"Sorry again Kami." I mumbled, he patted my arm giving me a smile.

"Don't, really it's chill." He reassures me, I nodded and looked at Adrien who laughed at me, before giving me a look. A look I knew all too well. She was about to ditch me. She did this a year before I met Daniel. We were at a party, and I met a guy, who later on I had a hook up with. She wanted me to rebound fuck.

I stared at her as she began to move to leave. I looked at Kami. He wasn't my type, not at all, but I seemed to be his. He was attractive, sure. But I wasn't into blondes at all.

I sighed silently. I needed a release somehow. This stress was eating me alive in more ways than one.


I sent a quick text to Adrien, telling her where and who I was with. Just in case I died tonight. Always gotta prepare for that dumbass reason. I looked back up at Kami. Why was I doing this? I knew I would just be disgusted with myself after. I set my bag and phone down on the table, giving Kami a smile.

"So, you're comfortable doing this?" He asked, taking his jacket off.

I nodded and rubbed my neck, "Yeah, I am don't worry."

The air felt awkward, we didn't have any chemistry. Neither one of us felt remotely in the mood. I let out a laugh and drop my arms to my sides, "It's not just me, is it?"

He grinned and shook his head, "Nah. Don't worry. We can just hang." I nodded and took my own coat off following him to the couch.


I sat cross-legged on the couch munching on popcorn. Kami right beside me, his arm over the back end of the couch as we watched a cheesy rom-com. Kami's arm went from the couch to his side as a sex scene started. He shifted uncomfortably. But then stopped moving as he focused more in on it.

Soon enough before I even registered his movements, his hand was on my thigh. Which gradually moved up further and inward. Until it sat at the inner part of my thigh, close to my middle. I felt like laughing at how he tried to be smooth.

It was cute for sure. He was now in the mood; I'd been in the mood for the past 40 minutes. The guy in the movie was fucking hot. He reminded me of that man from a few days ago. I slip my left hand along the one that was on my thigh. Reassuring him that it was fine. We both still watched the movie as his hand moved the bottom part of my shorts. I stifled a laugh; I don't know why but his butterfly touch tickled.

"Bedroom?" he asked, finally looking at me. I nodded and stood up following him to his room.


I stripped myself free of my outfit. Glad to finally get the fishnets off. I sat on the bed waiting for him. I wasn't sure what to do. I haven't really done anything sexual in a while.

And my sex life with Daniel was pretty dull. We never tried new things; it was the same old same old shit, me flat on my stomach, legs hooked over his hips as he got what he wanted done and I'd usually have to finish myself off as he fell asleep. Hopefully the girl he'd been fucking got better service then I did in our lengthy relationship.

Kami walked over to me and smiled reassuringly, "You seem concerned, what's up?"

I shrugged and sighed, feeling embarrassed over this fact. "I was in a relationship not long ago for about 4 years, so I'm not caught up with the stuff that's happening sexually now." I laughed unsurely.

Kami nodded and smiled again, "Don't worry, you'll be caught up soon enough." He humored gently, moving me down on the bed fully.

"No need to be unsure." He coos comfortingly, I nodded and sighed contently letting him take off my bra, which he struggled with.

"I'll go slow with you. We can stop whenever you'd like." He says, I let out a laugh as did he.

"You don't have to." I mumble, he nodded sliding my shorts off.

"I'd like to." I smiled at him, he may not have been my type looks wise but he was a gentle guy, and that got my heart going a little faster.

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