Chapter 6

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g at me as he walked towards the car. I sat stunned as the car drove away. My fingers made their way to my bottom lip, a fuzzy tingle still there.

Not long after my Uber drove up. It took me a moment to even realise. The angry honk violently throwing me from my daze. I jump and look up at the glaring light of the car's bumper. I squint and stand up, pulling my shorts down slightly as I bend down, grabbing the low set door handle before opening it and sliding in.

"Kato?" The driver asks, I nod and smile.


I unlocked my apartment door and stepped in. On the couch was the people from the club, minus the one I just fucked. I paused and slowly set my bag down.

"Uh, Adrien?" I mutter quietly, the pink haired girl turned around and broke out in a smile.

"Oh my god, Tara! How was it?" She asked like Kami's friends weren't here. I scratched my neck and looked around at the others.

"I'm not gonna answer that." I breathe out awkwardly, she clicked her tongue and turned back around grabbing something from the table.

She held it up, "Beer?"

I shook my head, throwing my coat at her, "Nah. Bed."

She nodded and set my coat on her lap, setting the beer back down. I waved kindly at the others heading to my bedroom. Sucking in a breath I lightly closed my door, the click flooded relief in me like no other. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wooden frame.


1 month later, bar, Musutafu Japan—

I wipe down the bar counter. It's usually Ander's job but he's at an appointment with Marcus currently. Neither told me where or why. I assumed the worst, which got a forehead slap from Ander.

I look up when the bell above the door goes off. About five or six people walked in, only one being a girl. I give them a smile, trying my best to seem friendly.

"Hey, welcome to Teddy's Bar and Grill, booths are for the grill, stools for the bar." I explain in my best waitress voice, the man with long curly baby blue hair gave me a curt nod and walked over to a booth.

I grabbed six menus' from under the bar and walked towards them. I wait for them to get situated before I hand out the menus. I give a smile as I grab out my notepad and pen.

"My name's Kato and I'll be your waitress and bartender today, since it's just me on the clock. What can I get ya to drink?" I ask, I didn't sound as forced as Ander usually does, we all know it's because he practises too much.

My eyes wander to everyone at the table. I made contact with the only and only Dabi. His calm but oh so sweet blue eyes dart up to my face, leaning back slightly I watched as his position changed to one of more comfort before he forced his eyes away. 

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