Chapter 12

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I lean my forehead on the counter of the bar, a comforting hand on my back. "Master Tomura, she'd like to go home."

I turn my head to the side so my cheeks squished on the countertop, "Yeah? She should've thought about that before stabbing and killing a person." He spits out roughly, I glare at him and lift my head up, the hand slides up and grips my shoulder. These past few hours me and Kurogiri became best buddies.

"He was going to rape me. Have you ever been raped?" I growl out and stand up. He stares down at me like I was a bug, "Well have you?" I tilt my head to the side waiting for his response.


I glare at him, "Exactly. So shut the fuck up until you've experienced something like I have. Running your mouth like you know everything. Well guess what, you don't. I killed him because I was terrified for my own life. You ever been scared for your life?" He doesn't answer.

"You may take lives like it's as easy as swallowing a pill, but I've never as much as harmed another person before. And I'm sick and tired of men like you thinking you can walk all over me because I'm puny in your eyes. Or grab me because you think you can. Or talk to me any way you'd like because your mommy never taught you how to properly speak to a woman, or any person for that matter." I raise a finger and shove it into his chest, his hand twitches lifting slightly towards my wrist.

"I want to go home. Because I have people there I care about. People who'd be worried something happened. People I don't want to see harmed because of me. I get you've never had that, and care less about that. But I care. And I was dragged here by one of your men. I will be taken back. And I will be taken back now." I make sure to get a little in his space like he's probably done to other people.

He glares down at me before forcing a strained breath through his nose, he turns his head slightly to the side, "Dabi, take her back."

I remove my finger from his chest and step back. Giving an innocent smile. "Thank you."

I look away from him and walk towards Dabi who crossed his arms staring down at me menacingly, "You aren't going to scare me. Let's go,"

I look over my shoulder and wave at Kurogiri. "I hope I see you again, thanks for the drink."

He nods and gives me a sweet smile waving his fingers at me before walking away. I look up at Dabi as he sighs and turns away from me, opening the bar door.

Shizuoka, Musutafu Japan—

I open the car door and step out, "Thanks for the ride. Never fucking attempt this shit again, do it and I'll cut your sack off, kay?"

He rolls his eyes and he white knuckles the steering wheel. "Yep."

I shut the door leaving him there, I hop up the apartment steps towards my level. The car only drives away when I reach my door. I twist the doorknob and it clicks open —seriously Adrien?— with a huff I push it open and hunched on my kitchen counter was Marcus. Furrowing my brows I approach him, the apartment eerily silent.

"Mars?" I place my hand on his shoulder, he doesn't budge.

"Oh, don't worry about waking him up, he's out cold. Alive though, no need to scream and cry. Come sit princess." I freeze up and turn my head to the side, sitting with his legs crossed on my lazy boy was Hawks. A sinister smile on his lips, his auburn eyes burning into me.

I look down at Marcus again and raise his head gently, fresh blood dripping off his chin. I felt my heart surge in my chest as I inhale sharply, setting his head down to rest on the counter. I slowly step towards the sofa. His eyes following my movements as I sit down, my legs tightly clamped together by the knees.

My hands gripping each other tightly in my lap, "What do you want."

He sighs, "Not even a greeting? I think you should start over, it's only polite."

I clench my jaw. "Hello, what are you doing in my fucking apartment."

He clicks his tongue, "God none of you have manners. The little pink haired one bit my friends finger off. You know how hard it is to reattach a finger? Don't even get me started on the expenses." He sighed out tapping his nails on the arm of the sofa.

"I'll stop boring you. Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything, we're just gonna talk." I glare at him, "And if you listen, obey my requests. Everyone in this apartment will be just fine."

I look up as three men walk inside the apartment, all clad with pure black suits, gold masks covering their identity, leather gloves covering their clasped hands. Plastic shoe covers on the bottoms of their boots. I let out a shaky breath and look back at the blonde.

He smiles at me, "No one has to be hurt here anymore then they have."

He raises a hand, the only gloved one and snaps his fingers. Two men come out of my bedroom holding a bloody Adrien by her arms. My eyes widen as I shoot up from the sofa.

"Ah, ah. Sit down." He tuts, I look at him with wide eyes.

"Let her go, they have nothing to do with this." I manage to get out steadily, he breaths a soft laugh.

"They have everything to do with this." He looks over my shoulder and gives a nod. I'm shoved down onto the sofa by my shoulders. I stare at him with pleading eyes and he leans back comfortably.

"Like I said we're just gonna talk." He looks up at one of the guys by the front door and he walks over pulling a baggie out of a small black case. He sighs as he opens it and sets down a cracked mirror from the black case. I furrow my brows as he opens the baggie and pours the cloudy powder onto it.

"Tell me what I wanna know, and you're free to go princess." The long-haired blonde snidely spat as he swiftly leaned down towards a crackled mirror laying on the table. He snorts a line up a folded bill before groaning and leaning back.

"Whatddu say, sweetness?" He grins, I glare at him as I lean forward spitting in his face. He scrunches his lips up in disgust as he wipes the saliva off his cheek.

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