Chapter 1

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Tokyo Japan, Bar—

I sigh as I set my bag down on the floor beside me. Ander offers me a kind smile which I return in my own exhausted way. He chuckles, setting down a small glass with three cubes of ice in it. He fills it kindly with a dark brown liquid. He wipes off whatever he spilt before speaking,

"What happened today?" Anderson questions like he didn't already know,

Today is supposed to be my day off. It started out wonderful. A lovely breakfast with Daniel —my now ex-boyfriend— a back massage, he wanted to turn it sexual I hadn't. He grudgingly respected that. Left to go to work.

Came back 6 hours later on his break, reeked of Miss Dior - a painfully expensive perfume, for women. I left it alone, he worked with many women in his office, but this was all over him, head to toe like he'd decided Dior was his new scent.

I had to leave the apartment after, it was overwhelming —the kind of overwhelming smell that's so strong you can taste it— once I'd calmed down my nerves, I asked him why he smelled like perfume and of course he got really defensive, like I'd just insulted his entire bloodline and wished damnation on him.

He stormed out like a child leaving me pissed, sad, and wanting to drink my feelings away. In the midst of the fight I had screamed that I'm done, that we were done. Which pissed him off greatly.

I look up at Anderson and roll my eyes, "Daniel was smothered in women's perfume, I asked him why, he got aggressive." I mumbled downing the whiskey like it was a shot, Anderson laughed and took the glass from me.

"Well that's nothing new. Mars and Adrien will be here in a few, Mars' gonna drop off some food for us during his and I's break." He says with a small adoring smile on his face as he mentions my brother, his boyfriend, I make cutesy kissy noises.

"Bunch of Loverboy's, just marry him already." I grunt out sipping the beer he'd set in front of me after my downing of whiskey. He slaps my hand pointing a finger at me,

"Don't test me, I will take that much needed beer from you and let you suffer in your pitiful sorrow." He gives me a look, brows raised lips pursed in a line, before giving me a lopsided toothy grin.

I sarcastically laugh at him, "Har, Har. Shut up."

He laughs, his attention turning to the door as the bell above it rings indicating someone had entered, "Welcome to Teddy's Bar and Grill, seat yourself, booths are for the grill, stools are for the bar." He says like a robot, he definitely practiced this in his bathroom every morning.

I lazily sip my beer and look to the side, where the new customer entered. I make eye contact with some of the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen, and some unique hair color(s) too. Adrien had dyed pink hair, but this guy's hair looked natural, like it hadn't been dyed, much too shiny and soft to be.

His hair started off as a black, a very dark black - like shiny obsidian, then had fades of phantom white at his roots, I'm pretty sure they call it ghost roots, he suited it well.

His hair was a little long, down to his neck, it was smoothed back a little but still a bit untidy, a strand hanging down curled on his forehead and he looked painfully tired.

He was wearing a black button-down shirt, the first three buttons undone showing off hidden tattoos, one showing very clearly, a neck tattoo that went from just under his chin to his collarbones. The sleeves rolled up to just above the inside part of his elbow, showing off the sleeve of ink he had on his right arm, various things. Not a single one colored, just gray and black.

He wore ripped washed black jeans and a pair of chained doc martens with paint splatters around it. He looked like the cliché greaser you'd see out in the streets sometimes. Not many pulled off the look he had, but he did, and well. He reminded me of Adrien when she went full out on her alt style without the makeup.

Speaking of the pink she-devil, she bursts open the bar door with a bright pierced smile on her face. She eyes the stranger as she walks past him, she sends me a wink setting down a great smelling light brown paper bag with grease stains on the bottom.

"Where's Mars?" I ask, opening the stapled shut bag, inside was some delicious food, enough for the whole of us.

"He's comin' said he'd be a little late." She says, grabbing out a white box and some chopsticks and soy sauce, I nod and hum grabbing a cookie.

"I thought you weren't working today?" She questioningly says, stuffing her mouth full of beef and broccoli, Anderson answers for me, his voice sounding muffled from the noodles he was eating, he was more polite about speaking with a mouth full of food, covering his mouth unlike his sister Adrien.

"She had a fight with Gargemel lookin' bitch." He wiped his mouth after with a semi oily lopsided smile, I let slip some laughter and some of the fortune cookie I had in my mouth went flying out as I coughed, almost choking.

Anderson laughs at me patting my shoulder, "Sorry, Tara, didn't mean to almost kill you."

I couldn't help it as my eyes drift back to the stranger with the strange hair. His breath-taking eyes flickering to me, the dated menu waving up and down briefly.

We stared, his uniquely colored eyes boring into me like I'd done some sort of wrong to him - as weird and slightly uncomfortable as this stare off became it was also intoxicating, I couldn't look away.

Until he did, his brightly colored eyes shifting off me as he looks back down at his menu, ringed fingers splayed across the back of the laminated paper. I look back at my food and half-heartedly laugh at a joke Adrien blurted.


Musutafu Japan, Home—

I sigh as I set my bag down on the marble counter in the kitchen, or well half kitchen half living room. I look around the small, shared apartment I had with Daniel. He didn't seem to be back, but damn did the whole loft smell like the perfume from this morning.

I freeze as a high-pitched moan; one you'd hear from a woman faking an orgasm in porn. I felt like laughing, but I withheld and followed the constant throaty moans from both male and female. As big of a red flag as moaning in your barren apartment should be when you have a boyfriend, it didn't click with me right away.

I carefully opened the master bedroom door, and there he was, in all his cheater glory. Fucking a red tipped bimbo, in the bed I bought. The bed we'd spent intimately together multiple times.

I felt my soul leave my body and my lungs shrivel up, the disgust and resentment I already held for him building up.

I knew he was cheating, why'd I even feel like this?

I shove open the door and it hit the wall, hard, it bounced off the wall a little. Daniel gasped falling off the woman, "Baby it's not–" he cut himself short when his little plaything almost pushed him off the bed with the pull of the top sheet to frantically cover her nude and used body up. She looked shocked, not shocked she was caught but shocked to see me, my existence surprised her.

I glared at him then looked at her, "And you are?" I spat out, she trembled as she stood from the bed, the statin sheet wrapped her bony body. She looked at me, her eyes glossy and red, like she was gonna cry.

"I'm–I'm sorry I didn't know he had a wife!" She rushed out, I suddenly felt bad for her. He'd been playing us both, the fucker.

"Ex-girlfriend, now. And I'm sorry this fucknut played you, sweetheart." I strain out, glaring at him as she picked up her clothes and scurried away, she didn't look any older than nineteen, fucking an intern was a new low for him.

I stalked closer to him, "Out."


I breathed a laugh as I pointed out of the room, "I said get the fuck out of here Daniel!" I screamed in his face; he scoffed angrily picking up articles of his clothes as he went and pushed past me to leave the room.

I covered my face inhaling and exhaling against my palms for a good second before sinking to the floor, the apartment shook a little with the slam of the front door. 

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