Chapter 11

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I stumble backwards at the aggression of his detachment. I watch as his hair loses colour to a dirty blonde and he laughs out slumping against the wall, "Seems you've got yourself a guard dog, princess."

I breathe shakily as I look up, Dabi now behind me, blood gushing from his eyebrow and his left eye swelling with a nasty bruise. His lip busted his teeth covered in blood as it drips from his mouth.

"Why're you here." Dabi's arm wraps around my waist pulling me further from the stranger. How— what? I look between the two.

"Oh come on Dabs, calm down. You killed one of my men. I had to of at least had my fun." I felt shivers run up my spine at his words, the sinister grin on his lips. "It was self defense." Dabi growls through clenched teeth. His fingers are tightening on my hip.

"Self defense, cold blood, whatever. You killed my man, our truce is done. Expect some bloodshed, brother." The man groaned out as he got up wiping dust off his arm.

"I'll see you soon Dabi. Make sure to send Tomura my salutations, maybe some condolences for future losses." With that he just... disappeared. My eyes widened even more as I stepped away from Dabi.

"What the fuck is going on." I demanded more than asked. He mumbled under his breath looking away from me before letting out a low growl. He snatched up my arm and pulled me to the front door, his other hand grabbing his keys.

"Let me go!" I pull my arm and it doesn't budge in his vice grip as he slams the door shut behind us.

Kamino, Yokohama Japan—-

"Who's she?" A long hair man asked, his eyes boring into mine with distaste.

"She's just a girl." Dabi responds dryly.

I laugh, "He practically fucking kidnapped me. Let me go!" I rip my arm from his hand, finally.

"I want to go home." I spit out, he groaned out frustrated and snatched my jaw in his grip.

"Sorry to tell you the bad news Bunny but your home isn't safe anymore since you decided to kill someone." He snaps at me, I glare at him and pull my jaw away before raising my hand and thrusting it at his face. A loud smack echoed through the empty bar. An eerie silence ensued as Dabi stared at the ground. I breathe out heavy fast breaths.

"Don't ever fucking touch me like that again, you hear me?" I bow my head down to look him in his distant eyes.

"I have had enough men grab me nastily for one day. Do not, try me Dabi." I snap my eyes to the blue haired man with a hearty glare, "Where the fuck am I."

He breathes a raspy laugh as he looks at Dabi. "Finally shoved in your place, huh Dabi?" His lazy eyes drift to me, "Who are you?"

My glare hardens, I was growing impatient with these assholes. "Kato. Who the fuck are you? And answer my goddamn question this time."

He snorts, "What kind of name is that."

"The kind thats about to hand you your fucking ass if you don't answer my goddamn fucking question!" I snap out and peer up at him, getting in his face. His eye twitches as he lifts a lip up at me in a scowl.

"Miss Kato, was it? Please step back from Sir Tomura, I apologize for this." I look up at a tall but gentle looking man. Why was he here with a bunch of assholes? I offer him a tight smile, no reason to be rude to him when he was being nice. I take a step back.

"You're in Kamino Ward." He says, I nod and thank him silently as I look at Dabi, his eyes already on me.

"You're going to explain to me right now, what the fuck is happening." I hiss out through my teeth and he nods silently.

"Would you like a drink, Miss Kato. It's quite a drive down here from the city." The nicer gentleman offers kindly, I look at the tall man and nod, he offers a polite hand out to me, and I take it. He walks us over to the bar counter and he helps me sit onto a stool before gliding past to the other end of the bar.

"Drink of choice, Ma'am?" He asks, I smiled at his mannerisms.

"I need a heavy drink If I'm gonna survive this, negroni please...?" I ask quietly trailing off when I realise I was never given his name, he takes notice of my pause as he grabs down a small glass plucking up a sphere cube of ice and plopping it inside.

"Kurogiri." He gives me his name, I smile, "Thank you Kurogiri."

He nods, "I know this may be scary for you, Miss Kato, but I assure you, you are in capable hands with Dabi and Tomura. Dabi seems to have taken a liking to you."

I laugh and nod, "He's got a lot to pay up for with this bullshit."

He smiles and pours the coke in first then a bit of rum. "I'm sure he does. May I ask what happened? Sir Dabi doesn't usually bring women around the bar."

I hum and sip the drink he'd made for me, "Some man came to his place and tried attacking me. I killed him, I guess his boss or boyfriend or something found out and came. He was a real creep." I murmured, Kurogiri nodded.

"Hawks?" He questions,

I look up and tilt my head, "Is he blonde?"

He hums, "Yes,"

I nod, "Then yeah, Hawks. Whats up with these guys and him anyway? Dabi just told me he did business with him and shit." I twirl the glass with my finger and the counter.

"Tomura and Hawks have had rivalling... businesses, since they began. Years of aggression and tension between the men they formed an alliance. Which today was broken." I sighed and slouched, that was entirely my fault.

"Do not let it weigh you down, dear girl. One of the boys would've broken it sooner or later. They're both quite aggressive when it comes to working with each other. Neither like the idea of taking orders." He explains kindly,

I nod and lean my chin on the palm of my hand as I look over watching the two loudly argue, not even trying to be quiet like you'd expect. "I can tell,"

Kurogiri places a hand on the top of my head like a father would his child. I look up at him, "Don't worry, you're safe here."

I offer him a smile; he's been more than welcoming. He reminds me of Marcus. But less abrasive. Way less.

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