Chapter 4

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Four - Familiarity. 

Saiko's House - 1:10 PM.

I keep my head on the snoozing Dabi's shoulder, my nail tracing a tattoo on his chest. His arm tightly wrapped around my waist my leg draped over his bare thighs. "You should be sleeping." I hear his groggy voice mutter from above me, his fingers tracing up my spine and brushing through my hair. I close my eyes and bathe in the affection. I hum. "I did, it's one in the afternoon." he groans and squeezes me to him more, practically pulling my body on top of his. I peer down at him, our bare chests smooshed against each other. "Stop reminding me, I had enough of that for the past couple weeks." he grumbles as he traces his fingers down my jaw. I smile at him and lean down attempting to kiss him, he tilts his head to the side just slightly and I huff. "We just fucked and you gonna act like a bitch now." I groan and lay my head in the crook of his neck, he breathes a laugh and brushes my hair down before laying his hands on my back. "What's the fun in not acting like a bitch." he teases, with a roll of my eyes I sit up, placing my hands on his chest as I straddle him. His hands fall to my hips, and his fingers rub circles into my skin. "I'm gonna be late for my brothers follow-up." I attempt to move off him and he doesn't let me. His arms wrapping around my hips keeping me on him, rutting his groin into mine, the fabric of his boxers creating friction with my undergarment. "Stay with me," he breathes out, I bite my lip letting myself enjoy the feeling for a minute before I slap his chest and push off him. He lets out a groan, his arms dropping to rest on his thighs as I take the blanket with me. Wrapping it around my shoulders I walk over to my closet. "Don't be a whiner." I tease, pulling out a shirt. "Oh shut up." he grumbles and turns onto his stomach when I turn over. Smiling at his attitude I drop the blanket and strut over to him, leaning down his blue eyes peer up at me before gliding over my body. "I'll see you when I get back, okay?" I mumble before pressing a kiss to his pouty lips. Clingy Dabi was a Dabi I liked. He huffs, his eyes watching me as I stand up straight and lift the shirt up and over my head. His rough hand reaching out and grabbing my thigh, his thumb tracing along the soft skin. 

Saint Lukes - 2:45 PM.

"I remember the day you were born, my birthday was a week before and mom was drinking, she had a false labor and you were born a week after that and she had me name you." he said his hand gripping mine tightly, his other hand on the bandage on his stomach. "Yeah?" I hum, looking behind me as the door opened and the others walked in with food. Adrien grins at me as she holds up two greasy brown bags. "I bring nutreince bitches." she sets down the heaving bags of hot fresh food onto Saiko's hospital bed. I smile as she takes a seat beside me, a pink haired girl taking a seat on her lap. Adriens arms wrap around the curvy girls waist. "You gonna introduce me?" I ask stuffing my mouth with an eggroll. Adrien snorts, "Tas this is Mina, Mina this is my sister Tasaki." I grin at how she called me her sister, holding the hand that wasnt holding food out to the attractive girl. "Hi." she shakes my hand with such enthusiasm it hurt. "Hello! It's great to finally meet you, Ads never shuts up about you." she giggles out, her smile and the way her eyes crinkled reminded me of Rumi. I nod, "I've sadly never heard of you, but that could be because I havent been allowed to see her." - "Her brothers an asshole." Saiko spits out, food flying out of his mouth to really prove that point. I look up as a few more people walk in, the blonde I fucked and his friends. Holy shit these were the people from the club. I avert my eyes and stare at Adrien with anger. She gives me an apologetic smile. "Oh, shit, hey Tasaki, nice to see you again." Kaminari says with a wide set grin. I chuckle uncomfortably and nod. "Yeah..." I turn my head away and stressfully stuff more food into my mouth. "How've you all been, Mina told us what happened." I look up at the red head and smile. "Yeah, we're doing better. Saiko's still healing. But he's been okay." Saiko nods with a flushed face, swallowing thickly as he coughs. His cheeks reddening. I look between him and the red head. Oh shit. With a sly grin I look at Saiko. His eyes widen. "You're Kiri, right??" I ask with a devilish tone. The red head nods, "Well this is Saiko, hes single and quite a catch." I snicker out, loving the embarrassed look crossing his face. Kiri smiles sweetly. "That's cool, I'm Kirishima, like your sister said just call me Kiri." he holds his hand out, Saiko lifts a shaky hand and they shake. I grin all giddy like as a match maker as the door creaks open. I look up at a overjoyed smile breaks out on my face when I meet blue eyes. His bored eyes scale everyone with a scowl. "Why the fuck are there so many people?" he asked as he walked over to me, "Adrien decided to throw a party." I joke as he pulls my phone out of his pocket and holds it out to me. "Oh shit, I didn't even realize." I laugh out as I grab my phone from his fingers. He nods and leans down, his hand grips my jaw tightly as he tilts my head up. The kiss he gave was rougher, it felt possessive as he pulls back, keeping inches between us, his minty breath fanning my lips as I stare into his eyes. "The groups coming over later to... talk. I'll pick you up, yeah?" he hums out, his tongue striping across his bottom lip. "Yeah." I breathe out as he nods and stands up, a glance around the room before he leaves. 

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