Chapter 15

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"He's usually out around this time, make sure you're quiet. I'll meet you outside at exactly 12:30. Okay?" Rumi explains as she gave me gloves helping slide them onto my shaking hands. She looks up at me and cups my face, "You'll be okay, I know you can do it." Giving me a quick reassuring smile she stands up from her bed and pulls me up.

"You have one shot, once I'm outside I can't help you, it's a waiting game to see if your boys show up, okay? If they don't I have plan B waiting on standby." I nod and grip the knife in my hand, the blade long and sharp. The glint glaring into my eyes as I stare at my reflection.

"Calm yourself, okay, take a breath." She grabs my shaking hands in hers and breaths in and out slowly, I copy her and give her a grateful smile.

"I'll meet you outside." I say, giving one confirmative nod for my own comfort. Like it sealed it in fate. She nods and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." I breathe out into her neck and she nods.

"Okay, be careful." She mutters before rushing out of her room, I follow her out and we split ways, I go left, she goes right.

I exhale quietly as I rush down the narrow hallway with quiet feet. I take a sharp turn and approached his untouched door. The white wood contrasts the rest of the building. I white knuckle the doorknob and close my eyes for a second to calm my breathing and heartbeat.

I slowly twist it and open the door without as much as a creak. I make sure it stays still as I tiptoe towards his bed, the tiles beneath my bare feet cold and chilling my nerves. I push back the sheer curtain and stare at his relaxed face. He didn't deserve to sleep so soundly. He should be plagued with the nightmares of his choices. With the faces of the people he's killed. I'll be that nightmare.

I glare at him and raise the sharp blade up. I thrust it down and with a sudden shift he laughs at me and twists off the other side of the bed, my blade shoved inside his pillow. I let out a growl as I pull it out and twist it in my hands as I stalk around the other side.

I look down and he's not there. I turn around and let out a grunt as he shoves me back on the bed, his hand on my wrist. Both of us fighting for the knife. He lets out a hiss when I slash his bare chest. He falls backwards when I kick him in the groin.

He groans and twists onto his stomach pushing off the floor. I let out a grunt when He grabs my ankles pulling me down to the edge of the bed, he rests between my thighs and grabs the hand that holds the knife twisting my wrist. I let out a cry when it pops, releasing the knife he twists it and pushes it down, the tip poking my chest.

I grab his wrist with both hands and push upward with cries of struggle. He breathes a laugh as his face pinches up in sinister joy at the struggle. I let out a scream as I reel my heels back and push into his stomach. He releases the knife and topples backwards. He slides against the tiles as I shoot up from the bed and stalk towards him. beads of blood staining the top Rumi gave me. He looks up at me with a grin.

"You really think you're the shit? Huh? Miss goody two shoes gets a taste of killing someone and decides to go after the boss? You really think your that good?" He taunts, I glare at him and grip the knife tightly.

He laughs, "Well you aren't. You're just a scared little girl who lost her big brother and thinks she can handle another murder."

I heave out breaths, "Say his name."

He cocks a brow at me, "Who's name?"

"Say my brother's name."

He snorts, "Why? You want me to plead for my life? Tell you how sorry I am for ending your brothers pathetic little life?"

I let out a shaky breath as my hands began to tremble, "He wasn't pathetic. My brother's life meant more than yours ever will. He'll be talked about as you're forgotten by everyone. Your life meant nothing while you breathed and your life will mean nothing when your buried."

He lets out another boisterous laugh, "Do it. Fucking do it, princess." He slowly pushes up off the tiles and stands to his shaking legs. We glare at each other.

"I dare you. I don't think you'll be able to."

My fingers twitch.

"Do it." He taunts, "Come on." I let out a scream and thrust my arm back.


I walk out of the building, the knife dripping with blood. "Kato?" I look up and my body fills with relief when I see Kurogiri. I let out a sob and he rushes forward pulling me into his body, the knife dropping to the concrete as he pets my hair like a parent would a fussy child.

I cling to him, the only essence I felt of my brother left behind was Kurogiri. He shushes me quietly and sighs into my hair. He lays his cheek on my head and comfortingly rubs a hand up and down my back.

"I thought you wouldn't come." I cry out when he pulls back and cups my face in his hands.

"Master Tomura alerted us of the fact you were in trouble. We couldn't just let you die dear girl." He explains softly, looking at me with soft eyes that can only come with age. I smile and nod looking over his shoulder at the two other men, and a blonde girl I hadn't met.

"Come along," he lays an arm over my shoulders comfortingly as he walks us over to the other three.

"Where's Rumi?" I ask and she pops her head out from behind the car at her name and she gasps rushing forward. She attaches herself to my blood-soaked body and sighs out relieved.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She pulls back and lifts a sleeve to my face wiping the blood off my cheeks, "I told you they'd come."

I nod and look up at Dabi as he shoves her to the side roughly. He bends downward and looks over my face, his blue eyes cold and hard before they soften when he sees none of the blood is mine.

"I shouldn't have left you." He quietly mumbles, the others walking towards the car to get Rumi's stuff settled.

"If you hadn't, he would've used you against me. Just like he did Marcus." his brows pinch at the mention of his name.

"Sorry about your brother." He hums gently.

"I got my payback, for Marcus. I didn't let him die in vain." I say, my brows furrowed as I look down for a moment, Marcus' death still a gaping wound. Dabi nods and sighs as he embraces me, suddenly. I close my eyes and let myself relax as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"We'll get you settled at the bar with the others, you'll be safe there." He exhales into my hair, I nod, and he pulls back, grabbing my hand.

"Come on Bunny, you've gotten in enough trouble as it is, let's not let there be any more." He grumbles, I laugh and nod, letting him lead me away from the horrible building.

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