Chapter 5

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Five - Demon.

Grocery Store - 5:50 PM.

"I'll be quick, I need food for when Saiko comes home. If you hadn't ate it all we wouldn't be here, now would we?" I spew out, a huff coming from Dabi as he leaned back in his seat, one hand on the stilled steering wheel. "Fine, hurry up." I mock him and open the car door sliding out, a rough smack on the ass made me jolt forward almost toppling out of the car itself. "Asshole." I grumble as I glare at him, slamming the door shut in his smug face. I slide my hands into my pockets as I walk the way up towards the store. The doors sliding open with a little 'swoosh' I grab a cart and lean against the bar, my back slightly arched as I applied my weight to it. Pushing it along smiling when the AC hits me as I fully step into the large store. 

I hum silently to myself, conversing in my head about random shit as I toss a bag of chips into the cart. "What you did wasn't very nice, you know." I froze, the shopping carts wheels screeching against the slick floors. I white knuckle the bar. "I should really make you pay for what you did. But, I'll settle for a talk." his sultry voice boasted behind me, a sickening hand planted on my back. "Come on." he hums and I don't move, he applies a second pressure to my back, the chilling barrel of a gun sending shivers up my spine. "I suggest you listen this time around." I close my eyes and exhale shakily as I released the cart and let him drag me where he wanted me. He shoves open the employee exit and shoves me out. "You think you can just get rid of me and act like your problems are solved? No, no I don't think that's how this is gonna work." he growls out, his face bruised and cut up his forehead stitched up on the left temple. I glare at him as he circles me like a predator. "I want you to apologize." he growls out, stopping in front of me and lifting the gun to my face. I don't waver this time around. "What?" he grins ever so slowly. "Fucking apologize to me." his finger clenched the trigger, he wasn't taunting me, he was actually serious. "I'm sor-" he shakes his head, licking his lips. "No. Get on your hands and knees and apologize to me." I force a laugh. "I'm not doing that." his eyes darken and his grip tightens. "You will. You know why?" I hum, "Because I've got something you love under the watch of my men. I will have him killed if you do not listen to me." my eyes widen when he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a freshly shot polaroid, I stare at it as my heart stalls. It was of me getting out of the car and Dabi reaching a hand out. Fuck. I look up at him and that same sinister smile grows onto his face. "Do as I say, and everything will be okay." I release a shaky breath. I wasn't gonna take my chances, not again, I'm not risking their lives. I slowly nod and he lowers the gun, releasing the hammer. "That's a good girl." I squeeze my eyes shut as the way he said it was so repulsive. I felt his hand cup my chin as he lifts my head up. "Look at me," I open my eyes. "You work for me now. You've got a pretty big debt to pay off." I glare at him as best I could, "You'll do as I say, you'll bite your tongue and act like everythings okay. You'll finish shopping you'll go over to your little bitch boy. You won't tell him you saw me, you'll mention none of this to anyone. I'll be in touch with your assignments. Don't cross me, or this pretty face won't be so pretty anymore." he throws my face to the side when he releases his grip and waves a gloved hand at me as he walks off the opposite side of the building. I fall back against the wall, my chest squeezing as I try and breathe properly again. I slide down the rough wall and cover my mouth as the weight of this hits me. I killed him. I swear I killed him. This isn't possible, why's he back? How is he back? I rip my fingers through my hair and breathe heavily, everything hurt. I squeeze my eyes closed as I let out a small cry. 

I numbly approached the guy, Dabi already seemingly knowing I was there and opens the trunk. He gives me a smile, placing a hand at the bottom of my jaw. "What took you so long?" I gently pulled back from his touch and his hand fell in confusion. I avert my eyes, as much as it hurt. I'm betraying him, I can't look him in the eye and act like it's not happening. But this is for his safety, for all of their safety. Right? This was the right choice. I'm being smart about this, this time around, right? I hear him sigh as he starts putting the bags of food away in the trunk. I release my grip on the carts bar and walk over to the car. I pull open the passenger door and slide in. Shutting the door I lean my head on the window, closing in on myself. How could I do this to them. After all they risked to help me, and I let him manipulate me, rope me into his sickening fantasy of being top dog. This was my family, my friends, the man I loved and I'm betraying them all. I jolt when the driver door shuts. I look up and catch eyes with Dabi. His full of masked concern, setting a hand on my thigh. "You okay?" I nod, "Yeah, just thought I saw someone I knew." I breathed out and look away from him, pulling my thigh away from his hand. He sighs again and switches gears to pull out of the lot. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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