Chapter 8

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Art Museum, Masutafu Japan—

I sit cross legged on Marcus' bed bouncing up and down annoyingly, "What the fuck do you want?" He finally cracks glaring at me as he lights his smoke taking a drag as he stares me down.

"Come to the museum with me! Pretty please?" I fall forward onto his lap with a pout. Mars had always been a sap when it came to me, being 12 years younger worked in my favour with him.

"Fine. Give me like 40." He grumbles, I huff and roll off his bed my pyjama pants riding up my legs.

"That's so fucking long Mars! You're worse than Adrien." I whine crossing my arms under my head groaning dramatically.

"Fucking—you annoying shit, 15 minutes and I'll be ready."

I smile and sit up happily, "Alright!"

I stand up and leave his room going to my spare bedroom. Saiko and Ander gave me the guest bedroom as I figured safety out with the whole crazy ex situation. I walk into my temp room and throw on a quick outfit.

I put on light makeup, not really all that much. I didn't want to sweat it off. I didn't powder my face once in high school on a hot day and I started sweating a shit ton, went to the bathroom and my eyeliner and mascara smeared onto my skin. It was horrific.


"Isn't this so pretty?" I mumble as I peer up at a stone statue of a naked Greek woman. Her stomach was chubby and her body was curved to the side as her dainty hand held up a fine silk, also carved from the stone. It looked so real it was scary. I look up at Marcus, his eyes bored as he leaned up and poked the breast of the statue.

I let out a snort, "Mars— you can't—" my breath hitches when a presence encases itself behind me, hands at my hips. A head leaned down to hover at my shoulder, fabric brushing the bare skin of my neck.

"I'd leave before you get trapped here, Bunny. I'd hate to see such a pretty face damaged." Rough calloused hands brushed up under my chin.

"Tara? Who the fucks this?" I look up at Marcus with a flushed face, my heart racing as Dabi pulls back from my body.

"This, you know... just, uhm." I fumble a little, he looks between us before bursting out laughing.

"Are you two fucking? Jesus, I mean he is hot, bit on the older side." Mars bit his lip looking Dabi up and down before looking at me, "Jesus Tara. Come on, I'm hungry, you can get your vitamin-D later." He snatched my hand in his and pulled us away from the brooding male.

I looked back at him over my shoulder, he was wearing an expensive looking black trench-coat, a white button-up beneath it. The first couple of buttons undone showing pieces of his chest tattoo. I look up at his face, his bright blues watching me like a hawk as Mars pulls me out the museum doors.


I slide into the IHOP booth and let out a groan as I place my face in my hands. As much as Marcus was my older brother he was my best friend and always enjoyed being included into my life.

"Okay, fucking spill." He leans forward with a grin, I let out a humiliated cry into my palms before peeking up at him.

"We're not fucking. Just... casual flirting, I guess?" I mumble, he quirked a brow.

"Babe, he literally groped you in a museum. He legit almost caved a guy's skull in at the bar for touching you. Y'all have to be fucking. Also I think he's the oldest I've seen you go, looks good though. Sexy."

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