Chapter 7

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I haven't seen him since that night he suddenly walked up on me after my hookup. It was strange seeing him, yet it also felt natural. His eyes drifted from mine to the menu. I looked away from him. He clearly wanted to seem like he didn't know me. Two can play at that.

I look at the man with blue hair giving a sweet smile, "Just get me a whiskey cocktail. Thanks, sweet cheeks." He says, I wrote down his drink and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dabi's jaw clenching. He seemed unhappy, wonder why.

My eyes wandered to the person across from the man, there sat a man who looked like the definition of teen fashion, he wore aesthetically torn up clothes, a bandana on his head slicking back his indigo hair was a tousled mess of a mop on his head. He looked at me with happy eyes as he points a finger at a drink, I leaned down slightly and read what he was pointing at.

"Sprite?" I asked just to make sure, he nodded, "Yes, thanks." his voice seemed like one from a teenager, at that point I could only assume he was barely nineteen. He both looked and acted like one.

I nodded and wrote it down. I looked to Dabi, who was beside him. His bored, stunning, azure eyes pierced into mine. He lets his menu drop to the table as he crosses his arms and leans back.

His lips turning up in a scowl, "Get me a jack daniel's. Leave the bottle." His voice was rude and cold. I wanted to glare at him. I knew he knew what he was doing. But he was being an ass about it. I bit the inside of my lip and nodded writing it down.

I turn to a sweet hyper looking blonde girl, she looked nothing older than twenty. She set her menu down and twirled a knife keychain attached to her phone case between her fingers. "Shirley Temple please!"

I nodded and smiled; she warmed my heart from how sweet she seemed. Not many adults seem that way nowadays. The other two men looked at me, one man wore a nice black and grey suit. He had on rounded thin glasses that suited his look. His hair was an odd mix of white fading into a light sky blue, same with his eyes, a hint of a swirling purple within his eyes though.

He rounded up the dropped menus and handed them to me, "I'll have a water and a whiskey, he'll have the same as me, thank you ma'am."

He was by far the kindest one it seemed. He held manners even when it wasn't really needed. I grabbed the menus from them and held them under my arm as I wrote down the drink order.

"Don't you still need your menus for food?" I questioned, he shook his head and gave me a friendly smile, "We'll just take whatever appetisers are the best. Surprise us." I nodded unsure; I've never had this request before it was strange.

I looked up as the bell on the door went off again, two young men came in. I gave a friendly smile and wave, "Welcome to Teddy—"

the tallest one cut me off with a bored look and gave a wave dismissively, "Yeah yeah. We're gonna sit at the bar." He muttered and sat in one stool as his friend sat beside him popping a peanut left on the counter in bowls into his mouth.

I rolled my eyes at the rudeness and turned back to the first customers, "Sorry 'bout that guys. I'll have your drinks here in a moment."

The gentleman nodded. I left the table and moved behind the bar. I stood on my tiptoes and hooked the paper onto the metal wheel that Benny used for orders. Benny was the lead chef in here. Sweet chubby guy. I gave him a wave and grin as he plucked it off.

"How's your day love?" He asked with a faint Brooklyn accent in his voice, he had moved here to Japan as a young chef, he told me, said he got hitched to a broad and her dream was to visit Japan, but she got stomach cancer and they both found out too late. She ended up dying, so he moved here, for her he said, he was about Fifty-Seven now but didn't look a day over Thirty-Nine.

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