Chapter 1

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One - The Big Bust.

Police Cruiser - 9:58 AM

I don't resist against the cop pulling be out of the hotel room. "Where're we going?" I asked as he approached a police cruiser. "You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." He read my my rights as I'm placed up against the car. "Spread your legs." he said, I sigh and do as I was told looking over to my left, the others being told the same exact thing. "Do you have anything on you that can poke or stab me?" I shake my head, "No." he pats under my chest, my waist, hips, ass, thighs, and down to my ankles before stepping back. He opens the cruiser door and places a hand at my head, "Careful." he mumbles before another cop walks over. "What do you have here?" he pulls my ID out of his pocket and reads it. "Tasaki Kadaio. 25." they look at me, "Little young to be committing heavy crimes don't you think?" I shrug and look away. "Why am I being arrested?" I ask with furrowed brows. "For the assault with a deadly weapon on Saiko Kadaio and Adrien Blackwell." I look up at them with shock written all over my face. "I didn't do anything to my brother or Adrien, we were all attacked." I explained with a rushed voice, they shrug their shoulders. "Take it up with your lawyer." they shut the door and I scoff in disbelief. I look beside me as the opposite door opens and Dabi's slid inside the cruiser. I look up at him with a frown. "They told me I was being arrested for my and Sai's assault." he nods and rubs his nose on his shoulder before looking down at me again. "I got too many to name." I snort and nod. "I'm sure we'll get out of this right?" he nods, "Right." I sigh and fight back the fear of this. I mean I expected something at some point, but now that its happening and right after I find my brother. It's all just so much. "I'll see you again, stop worrying so much." he said, his hands cuffed behind his back in the back of the cruiser. There were about four, two in each cruiser. I just so happened to be taken with Dabi. "I love you." I whisper fighting back the tears that found themselves at home in my eyes again, sniffling. He look down at me and smile, leaning forward he kissed me goodbye. 

I'm led into an interrogation room and sat down on a metal chair. My chained cuffs are attached to a hook on the table. I sniffle and lean back as far as I could in my chair. A man walked in with a folder. He takes a seat and gives me a kind smile. "Hi Tasaki, I'm detective Jones I'm on your case today." I hum and sigh. "I don't know who contacted you, or why, but me and my friends were attacked in my apartment together. I watched my brother get shot." I force out, his eyes flicker down to the folder. "We were contacted by a Anderson Blackwell concerning the state of his sister when he admitted her into a hospital late last evening." my eyes widen, "Adriens in the hospital? Is she okay?" he nods, "She's stable, she wasn't hurt like your brother was. I'm just here to find out why you did it." I furrow my brows, "I didn't." he hums and opens the folder. "Your DNA was found all over the apartment, and the body." I stare at him like hes dumb. "It was my apartment? And I tried to stop Saiko's bleeding." he nods lacing his hands together on top of the folder. "Your blood was found on the couch, floor, and your brothers body." I nod, "Again, because we were all attacked, and I tried helping my brother." he sighs. "Lying is getting you no where." I lean forward placing my hands in my hair as I sighed, stress getting to me. "I'm telling you the truth. I was attacked earlier that day by a man when I was at a friends house, he tried raping me. I got away and when I got to my apartment hours later his friends had broken into my house and attacked my brother and Adrien. Talk to her, she'll tell you everything that happened before I got there." he nods. "We spoke to her, she told us she was attacked by three men. I was just tracking her story to you, you both check out. On account of the attempted rape, do you know who he was?" I shake my head, relief filling me. "No. And my friends? Are they free to go? Why were they arrested?" the man nods and leans back closing the folder. "Your friends are apart of a giant mafia rink. No they aren't free to go. You should be careful who you befriend in this city." I glare, "I know my friends, and no they aren't. I assure you. I can prove it." he laughs, "Can you?" I nod. "Fine. I'll write you up as a witness in their trial. Try all you can." I sigh and nod, a cop walking up with the key to my cuffs. He leans down and unlocks me. I pull my hands free and rub my wrists as I stand up and let him lead me out of the small room. I look around the station. Another interrogation room to the left of mine, inside was Rumi her hair disheveled from the rough ride she received. She looked scared. "Is there any chance I can talk to them?" I ask looking up at the detective. "Look, kid, they're wanted criminals. I don't know why your trying." he mumbled as he made a cup of coffee. "Because they're my family. I don't give up on family." I glare at him and he sighs. "You'll have 15 minutes before trial to talk to them. Use it wisely." I nod and cross my arms as I follow him.

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