Chapter 10

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I breathe heavily, my hands shaking as Dabi turns my head away from the corpse. "Don't look at it." His tone was soft and oddly void of emotion. He lifts my head up to gaze into his eyes.

"Just keep your eyes on me." His were calm and lidded, mine wide and panicked. Just like a petrified rabbit.

"It's okay," he coos, petting my hair down.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked, taking my hand in his as he looks over my semi nude body, his coat covering most of me. The old yellowing bruises from my night with Daniel are the only thing littering my legs and arms. Though I could feel a fresh bruise take over the old one on my back.

"Just from... the tumble." I tell him, my eyes drifting past his arm. He captures my attention again when he notices.

"Stop looking, unless you want to help clean up. I suggest you stop acting so interested in the dead prick." He states rather bluntly, I look up at him.

"How're you gonna clean him up? Wouldn't people be suspicious?" I ask, my brows furrowing.

He breathes a laugh, "Babe if you haven't noticed almost no one lives down here. For this very reason, I'm sure I'll manage. Thanks for the concern, Bunny." He mutters as his hand glides over my cheek, a strange affection in his gaze and possession in his touch.

"Why don't you go and take a shower, hm?" He hums, I nod and he takes my hand giving it a quick squeeze before allowing me to walk away from him. My eyes drift to the limp fallen body.

I killed him, I took his life. It scared me how I lacked the feeling of guilt over it. I was scared, but I didn't regret it. Was it because of what he did to me? Did I enjoy it? I let out a shaky exhale as I shut the door, subconsciously I felt my skin crawl as I approached the bathroom it began in. I push open the dented and strewn door.

My towel was thrown messily on the floor where I had fallen on the floor. I closed my eyes and looked away and towards the mirror. Smeared dried blood on my cheeks, from my grabbing at my face. A sickly dry and sticky feeling covering my hands, from his blood. I turn towards the standing shower and lean in turning the water on.

Stripping off Dabi's coat I waste no time in letting it warm up, I step in and the freezing water washes away the blood. Swirling at the drain I look up and away, roughly scrubbing my face with my hands. The skins raw and irritated when I stop.

I grab a black loofa, the bristles rough on my skin as I scrub, and scrub, and scrub. The feeling never washing away with the blood. My skin scratching and turning red with the vigorous scrubbing.

Why won't it go away?

I felt my heartbeat pick up pace as I dropped the loofa and gripped the skin of my arms as I hugged them to my chest letting out the wave of emotions. I stood there, burning as the water finally heated up. The scolding steam flowing off my skin as it burned me.


I sit against the bottom of Dabi's bed, he pops his head in. "Enjoy your shower, Bunny?"

I look up at him with a shaky glare, "Why're you acting like this is normal?"

He sighs and fully walks into his bedroom. He approaches me and crouches, "Darling, this is my life. As much as I hate to see you become a part of this area of it, you are."

I look down towards his carpet, "So, Marcus was right. You are a criminal."

He breathes a laugh, "Bunny, I'm not a criminal I don't kill innocent people. I kill men like the one you did. Bad men, I may do business with them. But it doesn't change that."

I hug my arms to my chest, that man's hands still ghosted over my skin. "So... so you knew him?"

He hums, "I did. He works for a man we have a truce with, and you my darling girl..." He tilts my chin up to look at him, his gloved fingers still so warm as he glides his hand past my chin to rest of my jaw. "Just broke that truce. You're no longer innocent."

I forced my face from his touch and pulled my knees up to my chest, setting my forehead on my knees. I removed myself from here. Closing my eyes I distanced myself. I could hear him sigh like it was radio static.

He stood up and the door clicked shut. Squeezing my shins I closed in on myself. Like a protective cocoon. No one, not even myself, was allowed in. This felt like a broken film, forever stuck on repeat as the moments leading up to now replayed in my head. My skin is still burning from my shower.

Why is this happening?

What did I do to pull this out of the deck of life?


I close the door behind me as I step out into the hall. A faint scrubbing coming from the kitchen. I peer out of the narrow hall and see Dabi on his hands and knees his hair scrunched up in a bun. His hands bare and squeezing a sponge as he scrubs away on his floor. His eyes flicker up to me.

"You look like a housewife." I say with a small smile, he snorts and leans up onto the back of his heels.

"Just need a sundress and heels. Maybe a kid or two." I continue teasing, he rolls his eyes and wipes his hands off on the towel resting on his thighs.

"Maybe. You come to help or make fun of me?" He asks.

I shrug, "Make fun of you, but I guess I could help." I smile as I walk over to him, kneeling in front of him, his eyes following me like a predator on prey.

"Where'd you put his body?" I ask, he sniffles and rubs his nose with the back of his hand.

"Back of the car, figured I'd drive out to get rid of his body." He explains to me matter-of-factly, I nod and take the blood stained sponge and squeeze it out above the bucket full of soapy water.

"Can I come?" I feel his eyes burning into me.

"Think you can handle it? Cause if you can't you shouldn't come. I'd rather you not gather unwanted attention by crying." He says, his eyes remained on me throughout it.

I shrug, "I can handle it. I don't wanna be useless. I mean this is my mess."

He sighs and takes my wrist pulling the sponge from my hand. He stands up pulling me up after.

"This isn't just your mess. It was my job to protect you, I let my guard down." I furrow my brows, this was out of character for him.

"You knew he was coming, didn't you?" I ask, my lips bowing down into a frown as I stare at him.

He looked down, his face pinched up in an emotion he clearly wasn't used to. "I did."

I release a disbelieving laugh, "You brought me here as what? A piece of candy? I'm not a fucking prostitute."

He closes his eyes tightly. "That's not... No. That wasn't what I had planned. I didn't expect you to be at the club."

I breathe another laugh pulling from his hands, "Why'd you bring me here?"

He opens his eyes and looks up at me, "I wanted you. God I wanted you in ways I've never wanted anyone. The way you moved, laughed, looked up at that man from the club. I wanted that for myself. I don't know what you're doing to me. Or why I'm so fucking addicted to you." He breathed out, his voice strained and his eyes filled with emotions that fought.

"Dabi." I warn, his body encloses mine as he grabs my face so delicately.

"I can't give you what you need, I won't be sweet or domestic. I won't be the men you're used to. I can't be. But I will love you in ways you've never known. I'll worship your body in ways you've never seen. I just need you to trust me." He breathes out, why was this so sudden? I stare up at him, my eyes wide.

"Dabi..." I felt a bit winded, his eyes flutter for a moment before he leans in closer, his breath fanning my lips.

"Please." This was so out-of-character for him but I couldn't help but soak it in, want more of it, of this version of Dabi. I look away from him and close my eyes. This wasn't anything like him but I loved it and I hate that I do. His grip tightened on my body as he's ripped away from me and pushed backwards.

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