Chapter 13

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I lean my head back, my eyes blurry as I breath out strained heaves. "Look at my princess." He grips my chin between his thumb and middle finger lifting my head. Blood drips onto my lip.

"There that's it." He smiles at me, his finger caressing my chin before he pulls back and slams his fist into my face again. I let out a strained cry as I let my head fall forward. Before it's roughly pulled up by my hair from behind.

"Please stop." I croak out exhaustedly, he hums and leans closer.

"What was that?" He tilts his head to the side, his ear in range with my mouth. I push forward and clamp my teeth around the base of his ear and force a bite and rip sideways. He lets out a loud painful scream as he falls back into the table holding the side of his head. I spit the torn ear from my mouth and heave out fast breaths.

Spitting blood that gathered in my mouth out as I'm ripped back by my hair, my head forced against the back of the couch. The tip of a cold gun pressed to my temple as I laugh out twistedly, blood coating my teeth and lips dripping down the base of my throat.

"You bitch!" He screeches as he's helped up by his men.

I look at him from where my head was forced and grin, "Fuck you."

He glares at me and looks up at his men nodding. I'm forced up from the couch and kneeled in front of a dazed Marcus. His head bobbing as he slowly woke up. His eyes blink a few times before he looks at my bloody and swollen face.

"Tar?" He mumbles and looks around him, his hands bound behind his back as he kneeled the same way as me.

"Marcus, it's gonna be okay. I promise, I'll get us out of this." A foots jammed into my spine. I gasp and jolt forward.

"That's enough." Hawks walked passed me to Marcus, a shiny gun pulled out and cleaned by a velvety handkerchief. He tosses the fabric behind him and points the gun at Marcus. My eyes widen as I thrash in my restraintment.

"No! No please!" I beg as Marcus stares at me with wide teary eyes, "Please!" I twist, pull, yank, nothing.

"Marcus... Mars, just keep looking at me. It's okay, it's gonna be okay. I love you, I love you, okay? It'll be okay." I rush out and he gives me a shaky smile.

"I love you too." He breathes out as the barrel of the gun is pressed against his back.

Marcus was about 6'2. He could easily take on Hawks, but being drugged and knocked out for so long left him dazed and weak. I assume that was the point. I let out a sob as I process the position my older brother was in.

"I love you so much." I cry out and he bows his head, shushing me, his forehead pressed to mine. We were inches apart yet it felt like yards. Like he was so far from me, and yet if I could reach I could hug him. I sniffle and take in the affection.

"It's okay." He whispers, pressing a kiss to my head before the gun's trigger is pulled and I force my eyes shut tightly. I listen as his body is thrown backwards. I let out a painful sob, the weight of the situation finally hitting me, the physical pain hitting me in waves as I'm forced back on to my ass.

"You see what happens when you don't listen? I asked something so simple of you—look at me!" I flinch and open my eyes staring into his emotionless ones.

"I asked you to just obey my requests. And yet you didn't, so I had to teach you to listen.'' He moves to the side and shows me my brother's body. Blood pooling out around him. I let out a loud sob as I rush forward free of the man's hold as I grab Marcus' face.

"Mars... Mars, please." I cry as he slowly blinks looking up at me, forced to bleed out, feel it all as he slowly died, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

He lifts a hand to my face and gives me a strained smile, "Shhh." He quietly croaks out and pulls my head down practically letting me lay on half his body as he wraps his arms around me.

"It's okay." He whispers. I grip his shirt in my hands as his grip on me strains and loosens over time, "It'll be okay." He mumbles before he goes silent.

"Mars?" I lift my head and look over his face, "Mars, wake up." I tap his cheek, his eyes closed and no movement as his chest stays still. I lean my head onto his chest, the damp feeling beneath my hand on his stomach. No heartbeat.

"Marcus." I cup his cheeks in my hands and lean over him, "Please... please I'm sorry."

I look up at the men who did this, "Please, please just help him and I'll do whatever you want, please!" I beg and Hawks crouches beside me, placing a gloved hand on my shoulder.

"You had your chance. Get up." His hand slides around my arm and he yanks me up.

I thrash in his grip and scream, "No! Let go!" I claw at his wrist, and he growls throwing me opposite of Marcus and him. I slam my head against the floor when I land, and everything goes blurry and I look up at Hawks when he leans over my body peering down at me.

"Pick her up, we're leaving. Leave the other girl." He mutters waving his hand about as he hands his gun off to one of his men. I lay limp as two men lift me up by my arms dragging me out of the apartment. This was all my fault. 

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